Chapter 3

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Trevor and I packed all our things into his car. "I can't believe this is actually happening" I said while getting into the passenger seat. "It'll all be ok. We're moving in with my friend's family and they are really nice. You'll love them trust me." I take a deep breath and smile at him. I do trust him.

It's about a 30 minute drive to our new home, and I've been missing cheer like crazy. I decide I wanna try to join a team. I search up allstar cheer gyms near me and find 3 within a 20 minute drive from me. I send an email reaching out to the coaches of these gyms asking if they have room for me on a team. After I sent the emails I turned my phone off and just looked out the window while listening to music till we got there.

~~~~~end of car ride

Trevor pulls into the driveway and I start to get nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they only have room for Trevor and I'm stuck on my own? What if what if what if is all that's going through my head right now. Trevor parks the car and we both get out to grab our bags. We then walk up to the their porch and ring the door bell. The house is really nice looking on the outside. And it's pretty big and in a nice neighborhood. I hear someone inside yell "they're here" it sounds like a woman's voice, so I'm guessing it's the mom. Footsteps can be heard walking to the door and a moment later it opens.

"Trevor it's so lovely to see you again," she says while giving Trevor a hug. "It's nice to see u too Ellen." He says before stepping aside to introduce me. I'm nervously looking at the ground going through all the possibilities that could happen when Trevor snaps me out of my thoughts by putting his hand on my back and pushing me forward a little bit. "And this is my younger sister, Julia." I look up to see the woman from the plane. I never caught her name, but I heard Trevor call her Ellen, so that must be it.

"Julia I didn't know you were Trevor's sister. It's so nice to see you again luke is going to be ecstatic." She says giving me a hug as well. All of the previous thoughts have left my mind once I realize I'm going to be living with my best friend. "It's nice to see you to. Thank you so much for umm having us here and you know." I try to say without sounding weird, but she cuts me off "oh dear it is my pleasure to have you guys here."

She calls the boys down to help us with our stuff. The first to walk down looks a little older than Trevor. He's tall, not as tall as luke or Trevor, but tall. The next one to walk down is also tall. He looks just under 6 foot, but he's gorgeous. He flashes Trevor a smile and I feel like I'm going to melt. Who knew it could get this hot in Michigan. He walks up and gives Trevor a hug and starts talking to him. I'm trying not to stare while I wait for Luke.

It takes him a minute, but he finally comes down looking at Trevor first, then making eye contact with me. He stops dead in his tracks and looks at me with his mouth hanging open. I smile as he then runs up to me and hugs me picking me up off the ground a little and spinning me around. "JULIA! What are you doing here." He then looks at my bags and puts to and to together in his head. "You're Trevor's sister?" I shake my head yes "my best friends living with me" he cheers and we all laugh. I look over at the second boy again to see him staring at me already and I quickly look away.

"Julia this is Quinn," Ellen says while pointing to the first boy, "and this is Jack", she says pointing to the second. "It's nice to meet you guys." I shyly say. Jack just nods and goes back to talking to Trevor but Quinn actually comes up to me and offers to show me to my room. He and Luke each grab one of my bags and take them upstairs, with me following closely behind. "Your room is that one" Quinn said pointing to a door. "Go in first so you get to see the room" Luke adds. I squeeze past the boys and open the door to my new room.

I gasp at the sight of my room. I look around before turning back to the boys and saying "it's beautiful" I walk in still in awe as to how perfect the room is, it has a full length body mirror with fairy light around it, a dresser with a tv, flowers, and jewlery holder on it, a vanity with a huge light up mirror, a queen bed with a pink comforter on it with a white, throw blanket with bows on it, and the best part, a balcony.

I run back to Luke and give him the biggest hug ever. "Do you like it?" He ask. "Luke I love it. The Pinterest pictures really helped you out" I laugh "Shhhhhh. Quinn doesn't know" I laugh again and look at Quinn who rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. I grab my suitcases and put them in my bed to start unpacking. "Here let me Help" Luke says while unzipping one of my suitcases.

It takes us a few hours, but we get everything unpacked and put away before lunch. We're laying on the floor when Ellen comes in with a pizza. "I ordered you guys a pizza for lunch incase you're hungry." She sets it on my dresser and walks out. "Hey Luke since it's a nice day can we eat on the balcony?" I ask him. "Omg that's a great idea let's go." He jumps up and grabs the box and runs outside. I laugh while getting up and following him.

Once we finish eating we sit outside talking because he has to go to practice soon. Once he leaves I grab my book and walk back outside and get comfortable on the couch that's outside. I got so lost in my book I didn't even realize the guys were back from practice. Luke told me they are all on the same team. I'm still reading when u hear the door open and someone walks outside. I look up and see Jack holding a basket filled with girly things. "Uhh my mom wanted me to give this to you." He says setting it down beside me. "Thanks Jack" I said giving him a smile. He smiles back and my insides flip. His smile. It's perfect. He walks out and I try to refocus on my book, but the image of his smile keeps popping into my head and I close my book, knowing I'll get nowhere.

I grab my book and basket and walk back into my room. Inside the basket has a lemon scented candle, more flowers, 3 gift cards, one to target, one to Starbucks, and one to Barnes and noble. There was also some makup and skincare stuff in the basket too.

Tucked in the very bottom of the basket was a card from Ellen. Inside it reads

Dear Julia,
I'm so excited for you to live with us. Ive always wanted to have a daughter to spoil, and since you're here, I'm going to spoil you. I'm here for whatever you need. Just feel free to let me know.
Love Ellen

Awww. This is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. A few moments later there's a knock on the door and Ellen pokes her head in. "Hey Julia, just checking in see how you're settling." She says while smiling. I walk over to her and give her a hug. "Ellen thank you so much for the basket and the room. Thank you for everything." I say smiling too. "You're so welcome honey. I know living with 4 boys is going to be tough, so I'm going to make sure you feel seen and important." She says as we step away from the hug. I nod my head smiling and she walks out to go make dinner.

The rest of the day goes by perfectly and I'm so happy to be here with the Hughes's. I can tell I'm going to like it here.


She finally met Jack and the Hughes's. 

I'm trying to add a lot of details but also not make the chapters too long so sorry if things don't make sense.

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