Chapter 2

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I've been texting Luke the whole ride to my dad's. He's been making me laugh since the moment I met him, and I needed to laugh today.

I was so caught up in the conversation I didn't even realize we were here. I got out and grabbed my bags from the trunk and walked up to the door. Deep breathes Julia it is going to be ok. Just breathe.

I slowly brought my hand up and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and the door flung open. There was a smiley Trevor standing behind it. "Julia you're here" he yelled engulfing me in a hug. I dropped my stuff and hugged him back "I've missed you so much Trevor,"

"Come in, I'll show you to your room" he said dropping his arms and grabbing my suitcases. I look around trying to see my dad but I don't see him anywhere. "Where's dad?" Trevor has a strange look on his face "I'm not sure, he hasn't been home in a week." That's odd. Dad would never just leave like that and not tell anyone. Trevor just probably forgot where dad said he was going, or he was never listening when he was told.

Trevor leads me up the stairs and down the hallway to a room with only a dresser and bed. Thanks dad. I put my stuff down and Trevor plops himself in the bed, "so... wanna unpack first or eat first?" He asks. "Eat. I'm starving." We run downstairs to the kitchen and open the cabinets to find them empty. "Let's order pizza. I know a really good place." I nod and head back upstairs to start unpacking. 5 minutes later Trevor walks in to help me.

Ding dong. That must be the pizza. In the 45 minutes it took for the pizza to get here Trevor and I got all my clothes put away and made my bed. We walked downstairs to get the pizza and took it inside to eat. All this unpacking has worked us up some Appetites.

Once we finished eating we went back up to my room and put my toiletries away. "I think that's enough for tonight. Let's just watch a movie and chill." Trevor said plopping down on my bed again. "Only if I get to pick." I said sitting down beside him. He handed me the remote and I turned on my all time favorite movie. 10 things I hate about you.

I hear a groan come from Trevor and turn to look at him. "What" I scoff. "I've seen this movie before and it's awful." I roll my eyes at his comment and hit play anyway. "Well I haven't seen you in forever so we're watching this."

We're getting to my favorite part of the movie and I've been so focused I didn't notice that Trevor had fallen asleep. I try waking him up but he doesn't move. I let him sleep till the end of the movie and try to wake him up again. He still doesn't move so I decided I'll just sleep on the couch.

I grab a pillow and blanket and make myself a comfy bed. I'm exhausted from a long day of travel, plus the movie kept me up late. I usually go to bed around 9:30-10 and it's currently 11:45. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm fast asleep.

~~~~~~ one week later

It's been a week of living here in Michigan with Trevor and it's been great, except for the fact that dad is nowhere to be found. He hasn't answered any of me or Trevor's calls or texts. I'm starting to get worried. But instead of feeling sad, my phone dings and I know exactly who it is. Luke. It's like he can sense when something is wrong because as soon as I start to feel anything other than happiness, I get a text from him making me laugh.

I need help!
Remember how I told you my
brothers friend and his sister are
moving in with us.
Well I have to go shopping for stuff
for her room with my mom.
And she making me pick stuff out.
You're a girl...
So what would you want in a room?

Idk like girl stuff I guess
Like a mirror and some lights
Stuff like that.

Your no help
Idk what to do

Just  look up like girl rooms
on pintrist .
Take inspo from that

That's actually a really good idea
But if anyone asks I thought to
do that all in my own

No  problem luke😂
My lips are sealed
I'll let people think your smart

Knock knock knock. "Who's at the door?" I hear Trevor yell from upstairs. "I don't know." I yell back. I set my phone down and stand up. He comes down the stairs and we walk to the door and open it. Please be dad please be dad I thought to myself. When Trevor opens the door there's my dad standing on the porch. "Dad!" I run to hug him. "Where were you I've missed you like crazy. And why aren't you answering my calls and texts." I say while letting go. He has no expression on his face. It's weird.

"That's actually what I'm here to talk to you about." He walks into the living room and when Trevor is about to shut the door, I notice his car still running. Strange, I thought to myself. Why would he leave his car running if he was staying. The sound of the door closing snaps me out of my thoughts as I turn to walk into the living room and sit beside my dad.

"Kids there's something I need to tell you." He says while staring off into space. "I'm selling the house, and I'm moving." My mouth hangs open. "But dad I just got here where are we moving to now?" I ask. "Ya dad, I have my whole hockey career here I can't just move somewhere else." Trevor adds. "No kids. You guys are staying here, I'm moving, with Lizzy." So that's his girlfriend's name. "We're getting married and we think it would be best to move somewhere else, and start a family of our own." He finishes. "So you're abandoning us?" Trever yells standing up now. "Dad were your family. How can you do this to us." I say as tears start to form in my eyes.

"Where are we supposed to live if you're selling the house?" I ask. "I've already made arrangements for you guys." I sit there in shock. First dad left me, then mom left, and now when I thought I'd get dad back, he's leaving all over again. I don't stay to listen to the rest of what he has to say. I run to my room crying instead. I can hear Trevor and my dad yelling, but it's quiet enough that I can't hear any words, just sounds.

I few moments later there's a knock on my door. "Go away." I yell inbetween sobs. "Julia..." Trevor says while pushing open the door. "... I'm just letting you know that we're leaving tomorrow morning to go to where we will be staying now. So pack your things."

I hear the door softly shut and I stand up and go to the bathroom to start packing. My phone is still downstairs, but I don't care enough to grab it.

I don't know when I finished packing and when I fell asleep cause it was dark the whole time, but it's now morning and it's moving day... again.


I love this chapter so much. I feel like I say that about every chapter, but it's because I love this book so much.

I have so many ideas for this that I can't wait to share with you!

When you least expect it(Jack Hughes)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon