Chapter Four- How I love school! (especially when Louis Tomlinson visits me!)

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"Okay, so what exactly happened today?" He asked getting out of the kiss abruptly and making me sigh.

"What happened today? Nothing happened today. Did something happen today?" I simply asked frenetically, while trying to kiss him again, but he put his hand on my mouth making me kiss it, what was quite weird.

Why he had to be like this?

We were there sexily kissing behind a car at that starry night. Everything was perfect. Me and him. Just there making out and having fun! But noooooooo! He had to be like that!

"Really, Vally?" He asked raising his eyebrows and making me role my eyes. Oh God, he wasn't easy to fool...

"Okay... Maybe happened some stuff..." I whispered blushing and looking down. But he made me look right into his blue eyes before asking sexily.

"What?" Oh boy...

"Oh I met Justie's new soul mate and his best friend will help me to make them a couple." I replied crossing my arms and looking up irreverently.

He just smiled at my attitude, before looking protectively at me.

"Oh, and that's why you were talking to that blue eyed..." He murmured and I felt angry in his tone of voice. Was little Stark jealous?

Okay, this is the part you freak the freak out. I know it seemed Louis right? I'M A WHORE AND I KNOW IT! #fact! It was Jessie. Now I bet you are like: "AREN'T YOU ENEMIES, YOU RETARD?" Not exactly, sweet person screaming with a computer. We pretended to be enemies and everyone bought it. Now you are probably like: "Why do you retards do that?" Because, idiot, if you don't know dad and Jessie's dad were enemies at school and Max and Jessie's older brother were enemies/are enemies too. I know...cliché. But what could I do? Stark and I treated each other politely (What means I ignored him.) until we had to do a chemistry work together. And then we had chemistry (This pun is so horrid, I'm dying here).

"His name is Louis and-wait. Are you jealous?" I looked at Jessie's dark blue eyes and see why the kiss stopped and there was angry in his tone of voice. Jessie Stark was jealous! Ha!

But instead of being truth, Jess just smirked and replied smiling devilishly: "Nope. Just a little afraid of what Blake will do to ya." Let's say that Blake and Jessie were kinda friends... Yeah, crazy life, isn't it?

"Please. He will see... Justine will fall for Harry faster than the apple felt on Isaac Newton's head." I smiled snapping my fingers in Z form and making him laugh.

"You are trouble for sure, girl... You know he will punch ya, don't ya?"

I raised my eyebrows and get closer to him whispering. "And that's why I have you to protect me."

He smirked again and asked, getting closer. "So I am not your boyfriend, but I protect you."

There is this thing too. I never involve myself way too much. People thought that just because I made out with a boy I was in love and believed in love. LOVE ISN'T A KISS, DARLING! SLAPS ARE MORE LOVEBLE THAN KISSES! I just made out with Jess. Yes, I really liked him. But that ended right there. I wasn't really looking for a serious relationship at the moment (or any moment...).

"Exactly. Now where were we?" I asked trying to kiss him. But he made me kiss his hand. AGAIN!

"Wait. Tell me about this Louis guy." Jealous... Okay, I'm not saying I didn't like it, but he should be less jealous.

"Ahn...I don't know him... Just he will meet me Friday at school and we will plan stuff. Oh and he is a singer. He sings at a boyband. Urgh." I explained quickly. My Louis' first impression was good...I think. We would meet again on Friday, but he wasn't on my mind. I've just met the boy! Yes, he was quite nice, funny and polite, but it takes a little time so I can judge people.

"Okay, but...there is nothing happening between you two, right?" after that clear demonstration of jealousy I couldn't help just to scream:


"I am not! Just taking care of my girl!" He defended himself pulling me closer and making me dither. I could feel his breath so near my mouth...

"I ain't your girl." I replied serious, but he simply replied smiling conceited:

"But one day you will be."

Well, maybe I'd...if Louis hadn't showed up in my life like a clown in a zoo.


~some days later~

"FRIDAY!" Someone in the class screamed after the bell rang. And as usual, we all screamed together:


It was kind of a school tradition made by students of St. Adams Academy for girls and St. Cornelia Academy for boys. Yes, it's mixed, what can we do?

"What are you planning?" Katie asked while getting out of the classroom. She was all happy because Kendzle or whatever gave her a Valentine's present super perfect! Now when she has to give her friend a simple Rihanna CD, she buys a boyband's CD. #whataboutno

Oh, you are probably asking yourself about my b-day since I didn't talk about it. Like I said: I hate my birthday. And it was normal since just Jessie, Katie, Justine and friends know my birth day. We had dinner- except Jessie, for obvious reasons- and then I got some presents. Dean gave the CD of a new rapper Nicki Minaj- at the time she was new, okay, darling- and the twins gave me some homemade bombs. Best present ever!

"I told daddy I'll stay near the school with Louis so we can plan Harry and Justine together." I replied smiling. Katie knew everything since she hated Blake Blark as much as I did.

"Talking about her, where is she?" Katie asked looking around.

"No idea." I simply responded going to the yard and sitting in a random table.

"And where will you meet Lou-" Katie questioned curious, but before she could finish the sentence a brunette boy with tanned skin, light blue eyes and a The Killers T-Shirt came in my direction screaming and making me ashamed for him.


"Oh..." Katie murmured laughing so hard she almost died without air, until I kicked her behind the table. Oh god...

"How are ya?" Louis asked ignoring Katie and sitting right next to me. Everybody was staring at us. Including the boys. The St. Adams and St. Cornelia Academy shared the same yard, so everybody started to stare at me, but I just tried to ignore it and act normal like always.

I may not seem shy, but I am okay. Not as much as you, probably, but still... I HAVE FEELINGS, OKAY?!

"I'm okay, I guess." I answered seeing him getting closer to me. His knee was touching my knee and I could look at his electric blue eyes just turning my face around. His skin was tanned as usual and he was smiling. I could already predict how Louis was... I thought.

"Let's get out of here?" He asked politely offering his hand and getting up.

I took his hand not aware of whom the real Louis Tomlinson really was.

A/N: WHY DON'T YOU COMMENT ANYMORE? I need comments to live! That's it, guys, if I do not have more than FIVE comments here (not counting my owns) I leave this story. It's a challenge. And I'm taking it serious! I know this chapter sucks...but pleeeeeease, comment so I can get better!

I am dedicating this chap to _WeyHeyNialler_ because she is going to write an AMAZAYN story and you HAVE to read it! It's called 'Wallflower' and she'll update this weekend.



PS: This is Katie Tyler>>>>>>>>>. just bunette, kay?!

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