Chapter One- A normal day for the (wacko) St. Valentine family

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Sooo...hi again. You are still here. Just one question: whyyyy? I mean, c'mon! I'm so boring that even Sheldon Cooper is cooler than me. I am serious, man. I keep mumbling: "My name is horrid...Bloody hell... Swag...I hate being the Cupid...BLEBLEBLE!" Why do you do this to yourself? Are you masochist?

Okay, okay... I know this story may be boring sometimes just like this chapter is. I mean, c'mon! I am boring! But you don't wanna listen this so, here it goes:

So, I said it all started in the Valentine's Day, right? Well, before that I have to tell you how my normal days were, so this chapter will start in February 13th, a happy Friday in the city of London when I haven't met Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson or even thought about it yet...

~2 years ago~

The bell rang...FREEDOM *Nicki Minaj feelings*! Yeah! Finally! Miss Seixas is SOOO boring! I like history a lot, but that lady needed to know that was a bloody history class and not a psychiatric session! I literally know EVERYTHING about her life! Not kidding. The only problem was...the history's tests were about, well, history and not about her life! If they were I'd just receive 10s.

I got out of my desk, got my things and went to the hallway full of girls with the cute uniform of the St. Adams Academy, and two girls immediately caught my eyes. One was a brunette tall and slim teenager with kind brown eyes who was talking happily to a blonde with focused blue eyes and a bright smile right in front of my locker.

I smiled to myself and went in their direction. "Excuse me, you whores, I need to put my-"

"VALENTINE! Respect me, please!" The brunette said, cute as always, while hugging me. "Katie! Not in public please!" I exclaimed trying to get out of that affection demonstration that really, really embarrassed me. I know she is my best friend, but please, I'm a person not a Teddy Bear. And I hate hugs. I have way too much swag to hug someone.

"Okay, Val..." Justine interrupted with those blue eyes staring straight at me. She is always like that, straight and direct. "Say it. How many couples?" I counted in my mind and got a little sad there weren't so many in that day."Ummm...I'd say...3."

I know that I hate being a Cupid, but I kind of like letting my friends impressed...

"Whooo?" Just like that.

They thought it was awesome being the Cupid. Poor naïve girls...they didn't have any idea at the time of what I passed through...

"You gossipy girls! The twins Paris and London of St. Maria with the twins Orlando and Washington of St. Inacio and Lily of our Spanish class, with Kendall's friend James...." I informed remembering each couple and how much they paid me. Yes, I get paid. C'mon, I'm not mean! It's already awful being a Cupid and now I have to do it for free? No, no, no! If I have a gift I have to use it for the good...of myself! Not the humanity! Please, I'm not Superman. I'm more like...the Iron Man. He is cool, gets the chicks and has a cool soundtrack besides the swag. (Yes, I talk like that, but please give me a discount. I live with EIGHT men in my incredible home)

It sucks being a Cupid and it isn't THAT expensive to hire me... Just like 20 pounds. Just that. "Oh God..." I suddenly realized I made a couple that was Lily with James...Got it?

"What?" Justine asked with her eyes wild as always. Justine is my best friend, but I have to say, this girl has a GIANT mouth. Really. She is so gossipy that when I WHISPERED to her my brother was into her, she SCREAMED to the whole school. Until today Max is angry with me...but it just wasn't meant to be. If it was I'd know for sure.

"Now I understand why they said if they had a son the name would be Harry." I commented while putting my books in my locker and going out of school while my friends followed me.

Oh yeah... I'm the Cupid! [A Louis Tomlinson Fan-Fic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora