Chapter 7

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Namjoon is a matured man. He knows what he's doing and he surely knows how to do it.

So, after hearing what his hyung said. He realized his mistake. After all, Liyeon is another child who just happens to have the same name as his sister. But, that doesn't mean he has the right to take away her right to be loved and to give love. She has every right to be loved by the Kim family now.

Also, Namjoon decided to give this Liyeon another place in his heart. His little sister will be his little lion forever. For her, he just has to find another nickname and love her in another way.

On the way to his parents, Namjoon thought about all this. He thought to introduce himself properly and act like an adult. Like a big brother.

So after reaching his parents, his mother immediately stood up, still not known about the situation. She was quite protective over the girl who was sitting beside her.

But, her heart filled with happiness. Her eyes were filled with tears of happiness when she saw him get close to the said girl. The girl who was shy and quite nervous as her first meeting with her idol or brother wasn't the best one just stood there.

Namjoon bent down to her level once again and said, "Liyeon. I'm sorry."

Liyeon looked up at him, indirectly asking why he was sorry.

"I'm sorry that I was rude to you... I'll tell you everything later, but please forgive this brother of yours for now. Will you?" There came the famous puppy eyes of the Kim Namjoon.

Liyeon immediately shook her head as no and said that it was okay.

It is actually true when they say that a little apology can fix a lot of things. So, after Namjoon apologized to his parents and his little sister, a new family was formed.

Not only a family, a beautiful sibling was formed that day. From then on, Liyeon got the love she deserved, the love she had been searching for so desperately. Namjoon treated her like a princess. The dream life of every girl. In fact, some fans expressed their playful jealousy in social media with clips of the siblings' shopping together or just simply messing with each other or when they are wearing matching outfits.

But, after getting along with Liyeon and getting her comfortable with Namjoon. It was easy thanks to Namjoon being her bias. So, after that Namjoon realized something.

You see, Namjoon had slept with his little sister when all the members suddenly arrived at their small apartment which was small for 10 people, but big enough for a small family. So, after it was decided that they would stay the night, Namjoon slept with his little sister. Cause he didn't want any of the members to get closer than they already are.

Namjoon was shocked as hell when his introvert hyung, Suga wanted to take Liyeon if Namjoon didn't want her there. Namjoon being Namjoon, he immediately said a firm no.

In short, to protect his little sister who's a little lamb in namjoon's eyes from the members who are a bunch of wolves who are soft on the inside in Namjoon's eyes, he decided to keep his little angel warm by being by her side.

Though, there were a lot of other offers to keep oneself warm like the human heater Jimin or the hugger Jungkook etc. but Namjoon refused and went running away with her before any arguments could take place.

Namjoon is a light sleeper. That night, as they were sleeping, Namjoon suddenly heard something. He opened his eyes only to see Liyeon squirming and sleep talk.

Her eyebrows were squinted and she was breathing faster as her mouth kept murmuring words like, 'It hurts...', 'please, stop it...', 'don't hurt me...', 'I beg you...'

Namjoon was beyond shocked when he saw all this and he was even more shocked when he came to see how she suddenly woke up, breathing heavily. He saw her pull her hair despite his countless attempts to stop her. Her eyes were open wide and she was trembling, in fear.

After a lot of failed attempts, Namjoon finally stopped her with a shout which made her look at him. As she finally spotted Namjoon, she broke down.

"Oppa...!" She said as she hugged her brother and cried.

"Oppa, they're going to hurt me... They're going to find me and take me away... Don't let them take me away... I beg you... I'll do everything you say... But please don't let me go back there..."

"I won't. Never." Was Namjoon's answer. But, despite his short answer,.many questions were roaming in his head. They adopted Liyeon and as far as he knows, everything is already taken care of by his parents. He even saw the adoption papers with his eyes. Then, who's she talking about? Who's going to take her away? Why's she so scared? What exactly happened in her life that made her this scared of the world.

Namjoon was sure that he was going to find all the answers, no matter what happens. But, for now, he had to take care of his little sister. He had to be the shoulder she can rely on. In this night, he's there to hug her and assure her that everything would be fine. But, what about the previous nights? Was she like this, too? Alone? She was suffering these things alone?

Namjoon's heart cried out at the thought. His eyes watered as he thought how his innocent little sister went through such hardships alone...

Namjoon talked to his mother about that. And his mother knew nothing about it surprisingly. But he didn't tell his mother something. He didn't tell Yuseom about the faded and new cuts he saw on his sister's forearm when he was tucking her in bed after the crying session the previous night.

Now that he realized she always wore clothes that covered her forearm well. At first he thoughts that she was only shy and didn't like the revealing outfits. So, he never cared about it. But, when he saw her arm when her sleeves went up a little bit, he knew it was something really terrible going on.

If that wasn't enough, he heard about the bruises on her body from his mother from when she first found her.

Namjoon decided to investigate it all. He hired a top level investigation team. When he did, it was past Christmas already. He went home that day after hiring the team.

Just as expected, the moment his presence was known to the people who lived in the quite medium sized house, his little sister came jumping in his arms. He hugged her. Just the right grip around her tiny body.

It's fascinating how the same girl did those horrible things to her own body, not long ago. After that night, Namjoon confronted her about the nightmares and cuts. He mentioned that night too, but she said she didn't remember a thing from that night. She didn't remember that she cried in her oppa's arms.

When he asked her about the cuts, she refused to answer. He knew it would be better not to force her and he didn't. Instead, he hired a psychiatrist for her which apparently didn't work thanks to her not so outgoing personality. In short, an introvert.

Then on, Namjoon lived with his family in their house in Seoul and not his big ass mansion anymore. He lived at home to accompany his sister, to stop her from doing such horrible things. He kind of succeeded. Cause, after his talk with her that day when he told her,

It hurts me so much when you cut yourself. If anything is wrong, talk to me. I'm not your oppa for no reason. Never cut yourself again. You don't wanna hurt me, do you? I'll always be by your side. You don't have to worry about anything. Just live your life to the fullest.

Then, when she replied in the affirmative and cried for the second time in her oppa's arms, new cuts didn't appear in her arms. Only the faded ones which were also going away thanks to the cream Namjoon brought for her. She started being herself. She started talking and engaging with many people. She never hesitated to ask for something. She wore the clothes she liked. She seemed to be so happy. But, Namjoon knew that deep inside of her, the scars still remain.

The scars are there which she isn't showing. Her nightmares lessened, but it still was above her average level. Namjoon was going to make sure that he was going to make these go away, no matter what.

It's 29th December today. New year is just around the corner. He arrived late at home cause of the party of the HYBE staff.


Chapter 7. Done.
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