Mistletoe And Wine

Start from the beginning

"They do that?"

"I found a place. I wanted the Loft to look festive as we're not working this year. Who knows what shifts we'll be next Christmas, especially if I get my Lieutenant spot somewhere. So we should take the opportunities when we have them. "

Stella put her head on his shoulder as they both stood in front of the
tree, watching the light show sequence play out, a fairlytale of sparkles and flickering lights, highlighting the dozens of cute glass balls and pretty hand painted craft figures hanging from the branches.

"Good thinking." Kelly agreed.

"And I wanna do this every year. You know.... make a real effort. Start traditions. Even if we're separate shifts." Nuzzling into his neck, she breathed in his cologne.
God, how had she even thought to stay a single extra minute away from him?

Over the years, Christmas had lost its appeal for Kelly, somewhere in between Benny going awol routinely, and his mom crying her eyes out, associating the holidays with everything but festive spirit, so up to now hadn't really known whether he cared that much about trees and decorations.

"I kind've never really been into the whole Christmas thing... " He started lamely, feeling Stella stiffen beside him.
But he had to concede that this tree did look really pretty, and he kinda liked how it was making him feel. Warm.......and secure.

"I know. Nor have I. But I want that to change. Make some new memories. Our Christmas memories." Stella lifted her head to look at him, trying to gauge what he was thinking.

He was pensive. She could see that in the way his thoughts were lost somewhere in the tree, shimmers dancing on and off his face.


"I'd like that." Turning to her, he put his hands around her waist and held her closer to him, staring into her eyes. "I'd like us to make memories."

Stella's heart lifted, a quick film glazing over her vision, for the thousandth time cursing herself for having hurt him, her arms going around him, and holding him, her mouth brushing his gently, before murmuring.

"I'm fixing dinner tonight, so you get cleaned up, and I will do the rest."

Kelly chuckled. "You're really on a roll tonight."

"I am. So just enjoy the ride, babe." Pushing him in the direction of the bedroom, laughing when his eyebrow raised hopefully at ' just enjoy the ride', she retreated to the kitchen, turning on the speakers for some mellow music, while she turned her attention to the Thai Pad See Ew recipe, Violet had raved about.

Kelly was back twenty minutes later, showered, leaning against the counter with a glass of red wine in one hand, that Stella had chosen especially with the help of the Vintner at their favorite wine merchant, and listened to her non stop chat about everything, her brow furrowed, trying to follow the instructions, sipping her wine inbetween stirring the contents of the wok and chopping salad leaves.

God, how he had missed her......and loved her. He had been unintentionally distant the last few days, but even when his head was messed up like a garage sale box marked ' miscellaneous,' his heart still told him that he couldn't do without her. Ever.

"Sorry. This isn't how it was supposed to turn out." Deflation turned her mouth downwards, her eyes miserable.

Stella was trying, real hard to make everything perfect, but her impatience had got the better of her, as her head and actions weren't always in sync with each other, so the vegetables and steak in the wok were overcooked, the noodles a little underdone and her disappointment was acute, when she plated the finished result and it didn't quite resemble the mouth watering photograph in the recipe.

"It's good. " Kelly put a forkful in his mouth.

"You're just being nice. You hate well-done steak."

"I don't mind it in a stir fry, babe. It's fine." He took another mouthful and chewed following it with a sip of the suprior red wine, ignoring Stella's sceptical frown.

They ate with some sporadic chatter about the forthcoming holidays, their expected noisy Christmas dinner hosted by the Hermann's, and then New Year on shift.

Stella suddenly put her fork down. "You don't have to be nice to me. I know the dinner bombed."
Her resolution to beat down the distance between them since she got back began to crumble, and despite her trying to smile, her eyes filled.

"Hey...." Kelly, put down his fork too and got up from his stool, coming around to her. "I'm really impressed with it. Stop riding yourself so hard." Taking her glass of wine from her hand and putting it down, he scrutinized her intently, his face softly indulgent.

"It's edible....only just." Stella made a face.

" I love the dinner, I love the tree, and I love you.Thank you for making such an effort." He kissed her softly, his eyes flickering a variety of blue shades.

"Points for trying?" Stella mumbled miserably against his mouth, holding onto his forearms, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Points for being you, Stella Kidd. Ten out of ten."

"We have dessert to come. " She offered, half heartedly. "Your holidays favorite."

His eyes widened. "Rum balls?"

"Yep... And they're godamn perfect."

Kelly's laugh lit up his face, starting inside his eyes and then taking over his whole face, and it was easy for Stella to forget that a minute ago, she had been miserable.

Going to the fridge, she retrieved a dish, taking the lid off with a flourish.

Stella's pride for the inch size, sugar, and coco powder covered balls was evident in the way her eyes sparkled and her smile now beamed with mega watts.
Taking one, she held it to his mouth, watching avidly as he bit into it and then chewed, letting the flavors of the wafers, pecans, and rum melt onto his tongue.

"Those are sheer perfection, babe." Kelly enthused, reaching for another one, but Stella beat him to it, taking one out of the dish and putting it in his mouth. As she went to withdraw her hand Kelly's hand snaked out, holding out the fingers that were covered with a mixture of coco and sugar powder. Taking one finger, he put it in his mouth and sucked the sweet residue of it. Stella gasped, the thrill that shot through her body, turning her into liquid.
Kelly's eyes were fixed on hers, as he licked her finger clean and then did the same one with the next one. And then the next one. Mesmerized by the flush in her cheeks, the rapid fall and rise of her chest, and the tip of her tongue peeking out from her slightly open mouth, Kelly, put his hands under her and scooped her up in his arms and headed for the bedroom.

A single sprig of mistletoe was taped to the window above the bed, and he dropped her directly under it.

Spotting it immediately, Stella tried to sit up, but Kelly pushed her back down again, moving over her, his hands starting to unbutton her shirt.


"You're not the only one who thought of some new traditions we can start."

There was time to thrash out Boston later. Because right now it was Christmas time, and this was just perfect.

Later. Years later, the traditions they started that night would continue on for the Severides. Even when in time, the Loft was exchanged for a grey stone, and along with their annual mistletoe and wine festive date night, Stella would continue to make Kelly, sugar, and coco powder covered rum balls...... and when the time came, apple juice ones for the two daughters and son their future would bring them.


A/N Happy festive time, Stellariders...🎄🎅❤️

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