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This one is for Romanogers stucky forever.... 😘

The.... Will You Move In?...
The couch.....erm... yeah... the couch...


The Loft was in darkness, but once the nights drew in, Chicago would bathe it with its own lights, casting an ethereal magic around the brick walls and wooden floors, shadows moving around like an orchestrated dance.
Stella loved it here, and she especially loved it in the darkness and even more so tonight.

She had been watching out for Kelly's car from the big windows, and as soon as she had seen it, she had lit the single candle in the birthday cake on the table. It was something that on the surface of it was so small, but these personal touches meant everything to her, and she hoped to him, things that had been missing from her own growing up so now indulging him filled some of that void she had carried inside her for years.

Kelly opened the door and was surprised to find it in darkness. Where was Stella? And then as he walked further into the apartment he saw the cake on the table with the 'happy birthday, Kelly', and he smiled.
A warmth stole over him and settled in a way that was so familiar whenever he was around her. And just knowing that when he opened that door, he would find her inside made him feel complete in a way he didn't even understand or would be able to explain.

She came up behind him and told him how she had ditched the idea of a surprise birthday trip and wanted to just stay cosied up on the couch, which suited him pretty damn fine. But he had a question he needed to ask her first, and he surprised himself with how nervous he was to get the words out right. He hadn't forgotten why she had moved out in the first place.

"I don't want you to go somewhere else to be home anymore......."

Was he saying this, right? He saw the widening of her eyes, and he carried on. " Your station gear should be here because you should always be here...... Will you move in?"

And there it was...out.

Stella stared at him, knowing how pivotal this moment was in their relationship and feeling this intense need to love him and take that whisper of nervousness away from his face as he waited for her response.

"What the hell... you got to live with who you love, right?"

Her smile was brighter than the candle on the cake, his sense of relief enormous. He lifted her up, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist, and he carried her to the couch. He loved her so damn much and all he knew was that he missed her when she wasn't here, and it was only when she had said yes that he seemed to release the breath he had been holding. When she had moved out after finding out about Brittany and the Vegas wedding, it had really startled him how much he missed having her here and had increasingly found himself turning up at Hermann's garage conversion to be with her or wanting her to spend the night at the Loft, and even though he had Casey living with him, he just..... missed her.

"You think Casey will be o.k with it?" Stella knew she already spent a lot of time here but was mindful that Matt Casey was her captain, and also didn't want him to feel like the third wheel.

"Don't worry... He will be fine about it.."

The last thing he cared about right now was Casey, but he also knew that Casey loved Stella, so it wasn't even a question that needed asking.

His hands slipped under her sweater, everything about her as familiar to him now as his own skin, loving the silky softness of her flesh, and the way the muscles underneath her skin moved with her. It only took a second for the kissing, to turn into more and her sweater to come off and discarded somewhere on the floor, followed by her bra and then jeans.
Hearing the soft little noises she made when he ran a finger around a nipple and the way her body arched towards him when his tongue traced around the other one, feeling it hardening with each lick was the equivalent to some kind of erotic aphrodisiac because it turned him on in a way that could blow his balls.

"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom. Casey might come home anytime."
He really could do without Casey walking in right now. Fuck it, at times like this, he really wished he didn"t have a roomie!

"I made sure he wasn't coming home any time soon." Stella assured him pulling his head back to her breast.

'I love how you think of everything." Refocusing on his task with renewed enthusiasm, one cell of his brain acknowledged that she really was the perfect girlfriend because she thought of everything.

"I wasn't going to take any chances after the last time...." Her eyes closed, not really wanting him to stop destroying her with his tongue around her nipple but the other one now crying out for the same. How the hell did he make her mindless before they had even got to third base?

"He probably just thought how fucking lucky I am..."

Casey had come in unexpectedly one night and walked into the kitchen thinking Kelly was on his own standing behind the counter only to see an odd expression on his face before his friend let out an involuntary groan and it became blatantly obvious he was not on his own behind that counter. Casey had gone bright red , muttered an apology and backed away, fumbling for his car keys and almost ran out of the apartment.
Kelly looked down at Stella's head and all but lost consciousness, grabbing her closer, and came down her throat.

And now they moved to third base, and fourth celebrating Stella moving in .....on the couch .....and then the floor. And it was just as well that Casey had agreed to stay at Stella's place and didn't come home because he would have needed his ear pods to drown out the gasps and groans and maybe a blindfold so that he didnt get a very full on slideshow of his two friends fucking each others brains out.

Questions And Answers...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon