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People have been telling me about a machine
that brainwashes humans and takes them as slaves
controlling all their habits and their social disease
but I'll never succumb to their fearful ordeals.
What the fuck?
Have you seen the world we live in?
Have you really seen it?
Reach out and open your eyes!
View the conspiracy around you,
consuming our entire existence.
You don't see the starving children,
the criminally insane homeless,
all the wars that broke out in vain,
all in the name of causing the world pain
and forcing people to conform
to what the elite sees as the norm.
The products you purchase are poison,
only meant to hold us all back
but I wanna know what I'm buying,
not some fructose corn syrup, artificial flavoring bullshit!
Oh, the world is a cruel, unforgiving wasteland
where all our dreams could become reality
if it wasn't ruled by fear, corruption, and greed
but here we are, wasting lives and resources
on a fake ass sense of achievement
that is justified in the mind of the evil
and force fed to us as if we were livestock
but I'm not buying what they're selling.
Our physical lives are precious and short
so enjoy them while you're still here
and cherish everything you experience
because that makes up the fabric of the world.

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