Cimmerian Reverie

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Thus came the end of our blessed life, yet scrapped with perplexity

Perplexed reactions on everything that struck us with calamity.

It was a curse unchangeable

A failed attempt of making love, unforgettable

Now, was she gone.

A mortal object of demise, to everlasting agony or joy was she drawn.

I, once a sturdy man weak in love

Now, a hapless beggar at heart nothing could make me move.

If I could see the threshold of her immortal home

Certainly, I would declare once again my painful love, before them

They would then see my spirit hanging about forlorn

If only I could see you in the gates of the eternal realm.

Weary had become of me,

My lamentations were louder than the clamouring waves of the sea.

I wept before your sepulchral urn,

Sometimes in those moments, I sensed a familiar ghostly presence

Therefore like a obedient machine, I make a turn

And I see nothing, the senses felt blurred leaving my grieves more dense.

In between them, I long to see your face

It was never the most beautiful

Yet you held a serenity most captivating always

You filled me up with a piquant glee, relieving me in days most awful.

A lover's ballad I may compose

For now, I am artificially deadened for anything else but sentiment

I, was once a man with a sturdy built and robust poise

Now, your man lays here wailing at the lonesome living of a broken agreement.

Each remembrance of you

Was now a hopeless cimmerian reverie

That continued to pierce a touched heart, in ways anew

How I missed the wonders your eyes sent, each spark which delivered glee.


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