Chapter IV

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Time (Middle school)

Author ⭐
Midoriya is staying alone as her mother went out for some work. She will be out for next 3 days.
She was a bit worried about staying alone but MC is brave 😂
Her exams ended and result will out soon.
She wishes to score great

On a new day
Midoriya on her way to school.
Midoriya ⭐
"I have completed all the work from assignments to projects with my pre planned schedule I just have to complete a group assessment but the thing is no one is willing to be in my group
Why ? Simple I'm the always in trouble, people don't wanna get dragged with me !!!

But I somehow have to do that. I'll do this thing complete the entire group work by myself and submit it in the name of my group.

Simple they don't have to interact with me and they will be away from trouble."

I just entered by class when I saw my desk all scribbled well thats happen everyday.

I went to Chihiro and her friend Ruka. They are atleast neutral to me. I'll have to convince them to be in my group.

"Hey Chihiro, I was wondering that if you could be in my group for the assessment and don't worry I won't cause any trouble for you. I'll even complete your part by myself too !!
And please ask Ruka this too
Please be in my group !! Pretty please."

I said this with my best puppy eyes but all I got was disappointment.

They had already teamed up. Guess what I just have to convince teacher about my individual effort.

"Man this is so embarassing "

As usual school went on without any problem. Midoriya was tensed about her assessment that's when Bakugo came to her and told her to team up with him.

Midoriya ⭐

Oh no why does he want to team up with me????
Bakugo is not a person to do something without any reason this must have any reason to it. I gathered all my courage and asked him
"Ahmm!! Kacchann...n. whhhhy do you want to team up with me?

"It is simple so I get more time to bully. You got some nerve saying that you would return my favour. Well do it now. Complete everything as I want and do everything as I want and if you didn't do so.
Well you're pretty smart to understand what will happen !! Shit nerd "

After this conversation Midoriya was more scared what if she didn't do as he says he will only bully her more and moreover will remove himself from group.

Finally the group was made with Midoriya, Bakugo, one of his lackey and a girl obsessed with him. (Why they teamed up don't know just think of anything !!! )

After school
Midoriya on her way to home. Was suddenly pulled by Bakugo to corner. (Obvious she always gets pulled to corner just only to be treated bad by hostile Bakugo)

Bakugo ⭐
Where do you think you are going ? Nerd !!

Midoriya ⭐
Home, kacchan , home
School ended !! Duh !!

Bakugo ⭐
Don't act smart with me!! Well now
What was the project about!!

Midoriya ⭐
It was an assessment on all recent major activities related to hero world!!

Bakugo ⭐
"Ok now listen
Write an entire detailed research about 10 major happening and include relevant picture to it. And then go to the news magazine shop and get all written interview regarding it. Listen to all video interview and write important questions in that research.
Lastly summarise everything and search for any connection between these events. And also I want this all tomorrow!! "

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