Chapter II

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~ Time (In middle school) ~

Midoriya ⭐
As usual test are going on and I have been stressed about it but I'm gonna give it my all

Well we have our English test today I hope it goes well. And remember Izuku not mutter or babble

After the test

I was told by my classmate " Chihiro "
(She is the girl who talks to me sometimes) that few boys were looking for me and they were very angry. I know why because I didn't show them my answers I always show them but this time the teacher was right infront of me. How could I

What to do every worst possibility was going in my mind I was panicking hard. What if they assaulted me.
A frail girl like me could never fight back and no one would come forward to help me.
What if they lock me in the storeroom
Or force me to do some bad stuff
No no no I can't just let that happen

With all that going on her mind she was seriously tense that is when hiding in the old building staffroom she went into heat. All her body started to heat. She was feeling weird and bit horny. She was giving out her omega smell. What she could do, she took supperents but that was not working. She couldn't control herself. She was losing her strength....
When she was crawling towards the door then suddenly the door slammed opened.
The one who entered was least expected at that time

Bakugo ⭐
I was going to the old building to get rid of the annoying crowd in the class. That is when I smelled something. It was a sweet smell seems to attract me somehow. I thought of ignoring it but couldn't do so. I went in the direction of the smell. I came across the staff room and tried opening the door but I was jammed. I pushed it with my strength then it slammed open. On entering what I saw was unbelievable

That source of sweet, seducing smell was Deku. And why is she crawling like that ..... Shit ! She is in heat and
OMFG she is a omega.

I saw her lying on the floor strength less, whimpering out of the pain. Must be hard for her. What am I even thinking. But she looked so helpless and she is ........

I moved towards her as I went closer towards her I lost sight and control on myself, I was totally intoxicated in her smell.
The moment I saw her face all I thought was kissing , licking and biting her

Yes thats it I bit her on her neck. I was her paired person.
I am alpha paired with an omega.

Finally she was able to stabilize herself after a Lil time she gained complete consciousness and stood up from my arms.

She looked at me with her doe eyes. A true pure and innocent soul.

She looked so erotic.

Midoriya ⭐

I couldn't even move but all I saw was kacchan moving towards me. He lifted me in his arms and unbuttoned by top button, lowered my shirt, licked my neck and bit me .......
This all happened in an instant that I couldn't even grasp anything

Kacchan bit me my mind was screaming

I finally started to gain my strength. I stood up and looked him shocked. I was freaking blushing and he looked at me with his poker face ..... Jeez .....

After much internal conflict I asked him why he bit me
To which he caged me with his hands while my back facing at the wall

Kacchan ⭐

" So damn shitnerd !
You're an omega

You reek of omega

And you fucking went in heat at school. You knew what would happen if another alpha or beta would have found you.....

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