The day continued with more people coming in and checking out 1A's haunted house. It was a little past midday where 1A decided to take a break for food. Most of them gathered up and ate from the stalls other classes had set up. Izuku's gang was seated at a picnic table with Eri at their leader's side eating a plate of fried squid.

"How is it, Eri?" Izuku asked the little girl beside him. She swung her feet on the bench and took another bite happily. She looked up at him with a full mouth and nodded. Izuku chuckled and patted her head. "Good to hear, take smaller bites."

"I mean I've had better stall food," Denki complained while swallowing his bite of food.

"Makes sense it's not the best since a bunch of teenagers made the food. Sure there are a few who know how to cook but I doubt any of us know how to cook something other than cereal." Hanta explained.

Everyone at the table turned to Izuku and he he noticed everyone's eyes on him. He shifted slightly in his seat. "Not my fault you guys burn boiling water."

Mina slammed her hands on the table and stood up indignantly. "That was one time! I went to the bathroom and forgot!"

"Kinda weird that the water blackened the pot. You sure you didn't put anything else in it?" Tooru asked her friend.

"It was just water!" Mina shouted to the sky.

"But what kind of water? Cold water, hot water, tap water?" Denki asked and was subsequently hit in the back of the head for his question by Kyouka.

Mina glared at her electric friend and took one of his skewers. "I'm taking this." She used the meat and vegetable skewers like a nun would use a ruler on a disobedient student. She proceeded to take a bite and chew for a moment before looking at the skewer. "You're right, it's not that good."

That's when a loud laugh drew everyone's attention to a flamboyantly dressed man standing on nothing above the trees. Izuku immediately recognized him from the video Denki showed everyone, that's why he relaxed some. As far as he could tell Gentle Criminal was a gentle criminal. He never intentionally hurt anyone other than some bumps and bruises while not even stealing property.

"Oh hey, it's that guy!" Denki pointed. "Should we do something?" He looked at everyone but most especially Izuku for guidance.

Izuku looked down at Eri who watched everything while still eating. She could sense Izuku being calm so she was calm too. Izuku shrugged at his friends. "Make sure no one gets hurt. We're at a hero school with dozens of heroes. We don't have our hero licenses just ones to help keep people safe." He said logically.

Everyone nodded and began to make sure all civilians were pushed away from the villain. Gentle Criminal for his part began to shout out his thoughts on hero society. Izuku kept an ear open as he carried Eri to a safe place.

"Zuku, is that a villain?" Eri asked while being carried to the building.

"It is." Izuku nodded while keeping his senses locked onto the villain just in case he changed his routine and began to become a threat. "He is named Gentle Criminal and wants attention for some reason. Some people are like that. Pretty harmless from what I've seen."

Eri nodded along and asked. "Shouldn't you stop him? You're a hero. Heroes stop villains."

Izuku smiled at her. "Not a hero yet, just a student learning how to be a hero. But there are heroes around to deal with him so no worries."

Once far enough away from any collateral damage, Izuku sat down with Eri at his side. He pulled out a juice box for the girl and gave it to her as they watched on. More and more civilians were escorted away while heroes tried to catch Gentle Criminal as he jumped around and was an all-around nuisance. Izuku caught on that his partner who films everything was missing and looked around to find someone with a camera.

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