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8 Months Later

A scream tore free from my throat as a contraction hit.

Rae was beside me, her hand in mine as I nearly crushed her bones from the force of my grip. Steve was on his way to the hospital, but he was working on the ranch earlier, getting things ready for the riding school to open when I called him saying it was time. Rae and I were in town with Rhett when I felt my water break, and since we were at the Diner, I gave Rhett over to Bucky and rushed into Rae's car, calling Kristina. I was checked in by the time I reached the ER, and she was now at my bedside as we waited for Steve.

I collapsed on the pillows in a pool of sweat when the contraction finally passed. "Whoever said childbirth was beautiful lied," I heaved, closing my eyes as Kristina wiped my face down, "I am in so much fucking pain."

"You were five centimeters dilated when they brought you in," Kristina explained, her hand in mine again, and I turned my head to look at her. She had become the mother I never had. Walked through this pregnancy with a smile and held my hand the whole time. And right now, as I lay in this hospital bed, waiting for my every wonderful boyfriend to arrive, I couldn't be more thankful for her. "You're doing great Madison," She pushed some hair behind my ear, "We're right here beside you."

Before I could reply, I screamed again, another contraction hitting me at full force.

The door swung open, Steve's eyes wide before he rushed over to my side, trading spots with Kristina as I tried to calm my beating heart. I wanted this to be over with, I wanted to hold my baby and not feel like I do right now. I collapsed on the pillows again, vaguely hearing Kristina say she was going to have someone come to check to see how dilated I was before I shut my eyes, feeling the tears roll down my face. I faintly felt Steve's lips ghost my forehead before he pressed his lips to the skin. "I'm here now baby," His voice was a gentle caress against my skin, "I'm sorry it took me so long."

"Is Nate here?" Rae asked from my left.

"Yeah," Steve replied, "He drove me, I was stressed the hell out."

I felt the damp cloth being wiped down my face again and sighed in relief at the feeling of the cool rag against my heated skin. "She had the epidural, but it hasn't kicked in yet, or its full strength hasn't," Rae was explaining everything to Steve that had happened since we were brought in. She was telling him my charts, how close my contractions had been together, the strength I was feeling said contractions, and I had never been more thankful for my best friend, because right now, speaking made me nauseous, I needed to focus on breathing before I threw up on everyone in this room.

The doctor came in minutes later and said hello to Steve before he rolled up his chair and checked my cervix again. I never thought I would feel relief at the sound of the doctor's voice saying to go get the team, because I was fully dilated, and he was impressed I managed to have contractions this strong for as long as I did. I don't even know how long it was, and at that moment I didn't care, I just wanted them all to stop.

Rae and Steve stood at either side of me, their hands in mine tightly as the doctors and nurses gathered around. I wanted to cry, I wanted this to be over yet I couldn't accept the fact that I was no longer going to be pregnant. Soon I was going to have my second baby in my arms and hear the precious little cries, and while I couldn't wait, I was also truly terrified. The doctor parted my legs, and put his gloves on, giving me instructions that truly went in one ear and out the other because I was in so much unbearable pain.

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