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There was too much happening in one day.

First, Rhett was no longer just my child, he was Madison's. We left the courthouse only hours ago and immediately had to rush back to the hotel. Madison quickly changed into a pair of jeans and repacked the diaper bag, and I switched over to my jeans and button-down, the typical riding outfit. I hadn't even gotten to celebrate the fact that my son had a mom, a wonderful, loving mom. As soon as we were dressed, we were running through the lobby to get to the warm-up time set by the rodeo grounds. My head was spinning and I couldn't wait for this season to be over, I needed time to be with my family. And to build a new nursery.

I had already done my last barrel racing event, scoring the top placement and earning myself a buckle. Next was my team roping and I wanted this one so badly for Craig I could taste it.

"And here we have previous world champion, Steve Rogers!" I blinked when a man approached me with his camera crew, one slow breath exhaled and I plastered on my smile, the same one I used for every single PR event. I glanced at the screen behind the man, seeing my face on the Jumbotron, and schooled my face again. It was never any easier seeing your face plastered on a three-foot-long screen. "Have time for a quick interview? Just a few questions, I know you ride soon."

"Please," I gestured beside me, "Be my guest."

The kind must have been an intern, or new because I hadn't seen him before, he looked downright giddy that I was even talking to him. I tilted my black hat down slightly, adjusting it on my head before the man stood next to me, his microphone shaking. "You've won two championships, last year being the most recent one," I watched the kid as he trembled slightly, he must be a fan, "What would make this one so special?"

I grinned, he just gave me an in to talk about Madison and Rhett and my unborn child, he was going to regret that. "This year is different because I've got my girl and my boy up in the stands," I looked at the area where Sawyer Management's team sat, and there in the front, holding our son, was Madison, Rhett's eyes looking at the animals in the arena at the moment. "It's special, I've never had anyone to share it with, other than friends, but having her here with my children is everything I could ever want. Madison and Rhett are the reason I've kept pushing this year when I've wanted to give it up. But she's stood by me in everything, couldn't ask for a better girl than her."

The interviewer grinned, "What's it like dating a legend in the rodeo world? In her short career, she was unforgettable."

"Madison is spectacular, I didn't know her from her career, I knew her from her job, but dating her is amazing. I wake up every morning thankful for the girl beside me. She made me love rodeo again, but boy can she light a fire under your ass if you slack off," the crew and interviewer chuckled, "We should all be thankful she's retired, otherwise none of us would ever see a first-place podium ever again. But I think the best part of dating Madison is being loved by her, and watching her love. She came into my world when it had been completely rocked, and I fell in love with watching her around my son, then I became a sucker for her too. She's a wonderful person, I'm so lucky."

The announcer called for Craig and me to get ready and the interviewer transferred his weight from one foot to the other, "One more question and then we'll let you go," I nodded, waiting for him to continue, "Will we see more of Steve Rogers on the circuit next year?"

I grinned, "Absolutely, I'm not ready to give up my horse yet."

The kid thanked me and shook my hand before I approached the chute where Wilma stood. I looked over to the stands once more to see Madison with Rhett still in the front, except this time her eyes were on me, and I could see the faint outline of a smile. "Twenty seconds Rogers," a ranch hand called from beside me, and I was climbing the fence, settling onto my horse, petting her mane softly.

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