What If? AU bios

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Helllloooooooo I'm not good at keeping track of the character's information so I'll dump the official stuff here

It's not complete yet, but agh who cares >:(

See above for reference because i have no time to draw proper ones for everyone!!!

What If? AU

Basic plot: Mari never died on those stairs, thankfully. It was a miracle to be honest, but a certain thought haunted Sunny nine years after it happened.

What if she had died? What would've happened to his friends? What would've he done?

Sunny decided, with the permission of Mari, he would make a comic series under a pen name, OMORI to put down his thoughts of what might've happened if Mari had died.

*Ahem* let's get to the bios, I've drawn only Mari's reference but ohhh well :')


Mari Akagi (Japanese-American, 5'2" at 19 years old)

- She's quite fluent in both Japanese and English (bye-lingual). Sunny too, but not as much.

-Their last name comes from their mother, since she had personally wanted it.

-Her full name is Marilyn, but no one likes calling her that. Mari thinks it's a weird name herself.

-Has a huge mark on her neck, a dark splotch of colour, where she almost broke it on the stairs.

- Of course she forgives Sunny they became even closer lmao

-an amazing wingman/ wingwoman (Kel rates her a 10/10 supporter)

-She can still play piano very well, although she stopped practicing regularly after getting into medical college.

- Planning to marry Hero as soon as she can, she's quite excited to do so.


Sunny Akagi (Japanese-American, 5'6" at 16)

- Let's face it. He was a normal teen growing up, and he didn't starve himself, so he has a normal height for his age.

-He got a teensy bit better at showing his emotions, but still reluctant to do so around new people.

-Confessed to Aubrey when they were 14. Aubrey turned him down, and the two stopped talking for an year or so, because it was awkward. After getting over it, they thought it was funny and now laugh over it

- He still wonders what would've happened if Mari died (the basic driving force of this AU)

-They did end up playing the recital, with Sunny using a borrowed violin. He never touched one again.

- He met Mincy in middle school, and they became close due to their similar interests. Sunny developed a huge crush on her, Mari thinks it's adorable. (They get together eventually)


Basil Whitewood
(American, 5'5" at 16)

- Basil went through a lot of changes during puberty (I'm talking emotional and psychological) so basically he stopped being as shy as he was in his tween years, and generally became more open and confident.

- He immediately called the ambulance for Mari. That's it. He's not as fucked up as we thought guys!!11!!!!1!

- He grew out of his obsession with Sunny. Part of it was due to the fact that he had a huge crush on him, but then he told him about it after he got over it. They both find it funny

- He doesn't know it, but he's popular among the girls in his grade. Maybe part of it is due to the muscle build he has from lugging soil bags around.

- After Sunny, he never really felt any attraction to anyone else. He's quite happy with being with himself (demisexual moment)

Kel Alcaraz (Spanish, 5'11" at 16)

- Kel and Hero are Mexican. They moved to America when Kel was six months old.

- He has mild ADHD, and panromantic.

- He has a crush on everyone in his friends group. For Mari, it was more of an admiration crush rather than romantic (I don't ship them okay that's weird asf it's normal to admire people older than you)

- Out of everyone, he stuck with Aubrey. He's had a huge thing for her as long as he could remember.

-He didn't know how to deal with those feelings, so he always picked on and teased Aubrey as kids. He made sure it was harmless fun though, and always stayed by her. He was in denial of his feelings for way too long

- He's very popular at school. He'd occasionally get love letters, or get personal confessions to him. He rejected them all personally and politely, which made him even more popular.


Hero Alcaraz ( Spanish, 6'1" at 19 years)

-Hero can remember Mexico better than Kel, and has one or two memories associated with it.

- He wanted to dye his hair before entering college, but everyone told him he'd look horribly ugly, and he was fine the way he was.

- He and Mari go to different universities, though they share the same apartment.

- No one knows about it, but Hero has already bought a beautiful engagement ring for Mari. They've gone over the responsibilities of engagement and weddings and married life, so he knows the perfect time to propose to her.

- They secretly dated for over an year before Mari and Hero told everyone. Mari's dad wasn't happy at all.

- He's the one helping Sunny to publish his comic, because he too wonders what would've happened if Mari died.

- They still go to their secret spot from time to time. They've vowed not to tell anyone why it's so special, and want to tell their kids so they can pass on the tradition. Hero's thinking of somehow getting ownership of that place, if possible.


Aubrey Belanger (Canadian- American, 5'4" at 16 years)

- Okay guys, let's be serious. Not all teenagers have an amazing fashion sense. (I can confirm myself)

- Mari once told her contrasting colours are good when picking out clothes. After that she always put on something blue with whatever pink she wore. Sometimes it looked ugly, sometimes it looked pretty, but she doesn't really care.

- She dyed her hair pink only on the underside. She thought she'd look more prettier that way.

- Had a HUUUUGEEE Vocaloid obsession, still not over it and will never be.

- She's pretty much your typical tsundere, but would never hurt Kel's feelings. She knows her limit.

-Was pretty oblivious to Sunny's crush on her, so she was a bit shocked when Sunny confessed.

- Aubrey loves mint ice cream, however Basil doesn't. They get into fights about how it tastes.

-Doesnt really give a damn about the other people crushing on him, but if it happens in front of her she'll get jealous super quick.


Blejfjfhgighfy that's it lol bye
I got out of the AU but it was fun to just put it up here to look back on

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