"Somewhere Only We Know..." (HeroMari oneshot)

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Yes this is canon to my other omori book :)

Synopsis: Hero has a little secret with Mari. One that Sunny never knew, and so it was never mentioned in the events of OMORI

it was a secret Hero would take to his grave, right along Mari.

it's a heromari oneshot I suddenly had a burst of inspiration :)

"Hero, we've been walking for so long. Where are we going?", Mari asked for what seemed like the millionth time.

Hero chuckled in front, leading her all the while holding her hand tenderly. "We're almost there, Mari. Its a bit far, but i promise, it's close by now."

"You said that fifteen minutes ago..."

"I swear, Mari, we're almost there."

"You said that too!", Mari said, almost teasingly.

Hero chuckled again. Mari wondered what was this "special place" of his that he was talking about. She had left Sunny and Basil back home with a thick encyclopedia of plants, both of them poring over it in bed. Hero had said Kel was still out playing with his friends from school, so it made him easier to slip out for a while.

She only hoped she could return before her mother became cross with her. She really was strict with curfews. It was a miracle that she'd let Mari out at this time, so close to sunset.

Speaking of sunset, the sky was starting to turn from a spring blue to shades of lilac, orange and red. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, much to Mari's worry.

"We're here, Mari."

Hero led her between two huge berry bushes to a beautiful clearing. A stream, crystal clear trickled ahead of them, and the grass was a vibrant shade of green that Mari had never seen before. An old willow tree drooped lazily, its leaves gently tracing the water, leaving ripples on its surface. The water shimmered and reflected the sky almost perfectly.

Hero kneeled next to the stram and ran his hand through it, and splashed it upwards. Pearly drops sparkled and dazzled the air, refracting orange light everywhere.

Mari couldn't believe the scenery she was seeing right now. It was something straight out of Aubrey's book of fairytales.

"Sit down Mari.", Hero called out,

Mari slowly sat down, knees folded in front of her, awestruck. She couldn't find the words to describe how enchanted she was by the place.

"It's so...it's so-"

"Shhh.", Hero placed his finger on her lips, "I knew you'd love it. It's such a beautiful place, and it's for us only."

The sudden movement had startled her. Hero was radiating confidence and composed calmness.

It was so...romantic.

"..For us? What do you mean?", Mari asked.

Hero then took her dainty hands, and clasped them in his own. "It's our secret place. Somewhere only we know, where we could share anything about us, without being watched or seen, or judged. Where we could be us, ourselves. Where we won't have to hide anything, and just enjoy each other's company, just love each other, and talk about anything we want. It's our place."

For the first time, Mari felt flustered. Usually she enjoyed reducing Hero to a blushing mess, complimenting everything about him, and never seemed to lose her composure. But right now, her face was burning up, turning redder, very obvious against her pale skin. She tried to find a sassy comeback, maybe try to make him melt under her, but her mind was short-circuiting right now. She could only look down in embarassment.

"When did you find this?", She asked after a moment of silence.

"A few weeks ago, actually. Just wandering around, taking a walk, clearing my head for some time, you know, the usual. I immediately thought of you as soon as I explored this place more and more. There's a tiny waterfall just a bit further ahead, and a patch filled to the brim with all sorts of flowers. I can't wait to take you there the next time we manage to slip off."

"A flower patch? Waterfall?? Oh my, this place is so..perfect. It's all so wonderful, I- I can't even begin to describe what I'm feeling right now-"

"You don't have to tell me, I know you very well Mari.", Hero took one hand from hers, stroking her face and hair, making her stomach explode in a mass of excited butterflies.

"I didn't know I could feel like this..", Mari managed to whisper.

"I'm glad I could make you feel like that.", Hero said.

As he said that, he inched closer, his face moving closer to hers, and his hand rested just below her chin.

"You're so beautiful when you blush. Your cheeks..they're so red.", He whispered.

Mari's heart skipped a beat as she turned even more red.

"Is this revenge for all those times I embarassed you..?", She asked, almost inaudibly.

"As a matter of fact, it is. Enjoy it while it lasts."

Hero then pressed his lips against hers, kissing her for the first time ever. Mari's heart seemed to explode with confetti every time it beat, while her stomach was doing backflips along with the butterflies in it. Every second seemed to last for eternity, and yet it felt like time itself had stopped just for the both of them.

She enjoyed this moment. She loved this, she loved Hero. She had fallen so so hard for him, for the one pouring his love for her just through one kiss. It was so romantic, and her inner self squealed and celebrated on the inside.

After what seemed like forever, they finally broke off, and embraced one another. For now, there was noone in the world except the two, in their own little place, so wrapped up in their own love.

A place where we could be us, ourselves.."

"I love you Mari."

Mari could only hug him tighter in response, burying her face in his shoulder all while soaking up the moment.

"I love you too..."




Baiii!!!! :DDDD

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