But I love her! (platonic stuff lol)

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"Mari...it's getting worse..", Kel whined.

"What's getting worse?", Mari cheerily asked, though she very well knew what Kel meant.

Kel made a face at her and flushed, "Y-You know!! The thing! The thing I told you not to tell anyone?"

"What thing?", Mari said playfully, "Ohhh!! The thing with Aubrey, right~?", She said, making kissy faces.

Kel covered his face in exasperation, and groaned, "Mari! Don't tease me like that, you know it's weird for me to talk about it.."

"Aw, Kel, I was just playing around.", Mari laughed, and brushed the hair out of her face.

Today, everyone was out doing their own thing. Sunny was upstairs, probably reading or working on his comic strips, Basil was with Aubrey hanging out at the park, while Hero stayed home to help his mother with something.

It was overall the perfect timing for Kel to come over and complain to Mari about how his little dilemma with Aubrey was treating him.

Mari thought he was being dramatic. She thought it was cute, how Kel gushed over Aubrey, and she was certain that they could make a good match!

Then again, she'd thought the same of Sunny and Aubrey, and that turned out to be a disappointment.

Ah, nevermind. Wouldn't hurt to try being a wingman again. Or a wingwoman. Which one was it?

"How did you get the courage to confess to Hero? I just know it didn't happen like that."

"Oh? You want to confess your feelings to Aubrey? That's cute."

"Is that sarcasm?"


"Anyways, you did the confessing, right?", Kel asked, hanging onto every word of hers.

"Hmm...", Mari mused, "Nah."

Kel looked surprised, "You're kidding. Hero never told me that way. He kept gushing about how you-"

"Of course he wouldn't! He loves to keep the image of always being the flustered one.", Mari said, "But anyhow, he confessed to me, and it was in the most romantic way too. Oh, how beautiful it was, just like in a fairy tale~", Mari swooned.

"Damn, I'm jealous. How do I do that?", Kel asked.

"Well, I can't give you specifics, since everyone is different, but you'll have to first make a move. Don't confess out of nowhere. That's what Sunny did, and we know how that turned out..", Mari advised.

"I'm scared...what if that happens to me?", Kel frowned.

"I'm not saying it will happen, but you'll need to be prepared. First thing you should always remember when it comes to crushes is that you should never have high hopes. You never know what's going to be the other person's reaction!!", Mari said, shrugging.

It was true. She couldn't count the friends of hers that had gone through the same anguish and delusion when crushing on their special someone. She looked down at Kel's dejected face, and smiled.

"Aw, don't look like that. It'll be okay, as long as you listen to my advice! Hopefully Sunny will also come and ask me about his crush this time..", Mari said cheerfully.

"Who was that girl again? Minty?"

Mari chuckled, "Her name's Mincy. I've seen her hang around Sunny a few times, and she's really nice! They've gotten really close over the past few months. I'm glad someone's there for Sunny with the same drawing interests!"

"That's cool and all, but still...Aubrey-"

"Enough about Aubrey already,", Mari teased relentlessly, "I know you're obsessed with her, but stop worrying so much! You two are such thick friends already!"

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