Chapter 3.[Operation Succubus]

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1st of June, 1975/1639. 12:30 am

Barrat, Kingdom of Kuila


Under the starry night sky, King Hamman the IV of the Kingdom of Barrat, Kuila, sat in his opulent palace, sipping tea made from the rarest leaves imported from the Third Civilization. The windows of his study overlooked the bustling city below, where the golden hue of streetlamps reflected off the well-paved cobblestones. The city had grown and thrived due to its booming economy, primarily built on the exportation of oil and rare metals, which had attracted merchants and traders from far and wide.

As the king observed the hustle and bustle of the city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the progress his kingdom had made in the last decade. During this time, he had significantly increased the budget of the military, ensuring that his people were well-protected from any potential threats. The Kingdom of Kuila had long been known for its strategic location and strong defenses, which were further strengthened by the Galorian Mountain Ranges that bordered Lauria.

Recently, the completion of the Aethereal Supply Hub in the northern part of Kuila had brought a new sense of prosperity to the kingdom. This magnificent structure was designed to supply Kua Toine with the materials they so desperately needed to build up their military in the face of Lauria. The alliance between Kuila and Kua Toine had been forged in the fires of mutual interest, and this supply hub was a testament to their dedication to one another's growth and prosperity.

The king's eyes traced the outline of the majestic Galorian Mountain Ranges, their snow-capped peaks glistening under the waning moonlight. He felt the weight of his responsibility as the ruler of this thriving kingdom and was determined to ensure that his people continued to flourish and prosper.

The memory of past wars with Lauria weighed heavily on the minds of the Kuilan people. Over the centuries, Lauria had been a persistent thorn in their side, with twelve brutal wars and thirty bitter border conflicts marring the history between the two nations. Every time, the resilient and skilled Kuilan forces had managed to repel the aggression of Lauria, defending their homeland with fierce resistance.

However, the current situation was far different from anything they had ever faced before. In the wake of their recent rapid military expansion, Lauria now boasted the largest army outside the Civilized Area, with a staggering 900,000 soldiers at their disposal, ready to fight at a moment's notice. This powerful force was complemented by the largest navy outside the Civilized Area, comprised of 720 impressive warships.

The ominous shadow of the impending conflict loomed large as intelligence reports indicated that Lauria was amassing its forces along the Kuilan borders. A staggering 200,000 Laurian soldiers were positioned just across the border, poised to strike at any moment. What truly sent shivers down the spines of the Kuilan people was the disturbing intel suggesting that Lauria might have acquired multiple large cannons. These fearsome weapons of war, if deployed effectively, could wreak havoc on the well-fortified Kuilan defenses.

King Hamman, well-aware of the daunting challenge that lay ahead, gathered his most trusted advisors in the royal council chamber. The chamber was lined with shelves of ancient scrolls, bound in leather and adorned with intricate gold inlays.

A large, ornate mahogany table dominated the center of the room, from which a map of the region was spread, highlighting the positions of both Kuilan and Laurian forces. Candlelight flickered around the room, casting eerie shadows on the worried faces of the council as they discussed the grave situation at hand.

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