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As I feel like I'm about to burst because of the mixed feelings inside of me and my face ever so red that I think all the blood in ny body was stored in my face at the moment and the fact that Jin's lips about to touch mine, thankfully my phone rang! Saved by the bell again, I thought to myself.

Hearing the sound of my phone, Jin quickly walked back at a safe distance from me realizing what he did, his face flustered a bright red all over. cute ~As for me, I read the message in my phone and it said:

Jieun-ssi, it's me V ;) Anyways, come over here at the dance practice room were waiting for you and if Jin hyung is with you grab him along too Rapmon hyung said that "it's a matter of utmost importance" hurry up cuz I think Suga hyung is not getting any younger any minute now xD.

Reading this, I chuckled and replied ok to him. I awkwardly looked at Jin signaling him that it's time to go. We walked in the elevator and I was about to punch the up button when I found Jin's finger about to touch it also. We both awkwardly took our hands away and we realized that no one was going to close the elevator door when I offered to be the one to close it. The atmosphere was filled with silence, awkward silence.

I wanted to start a conversation but I can't think of a topic to start with. But of course Jin was the first one to open his mouth.

"Uhmmm.... About earlier, I'm so-"

"IT'S OKAY!" I cut him off avoiding the topic he started. And again silence filled the elevator and I decided to talk since I can't bear the silence no longer.

"Seokjin, why were you at the door?" I asked looking at him.

I can sense that he was slightly taken aback by my question but decided to answer it. "I was about to inform you that the members are waiting up the practice room and that we needed to go" he stoped and breathed a huge amount of air.

I chuckled then laughed "hahaha Jin you're so cute even before when we were kids! Of course I forgive you" I said trying to regain my composture.

He stood up straight and lightly laughed with me but then stoped. "You find me cute?" He asked with a hint of realization on his face.

I stoped laughing and was taken by surprise by his question. Fudge I mentally cussed at myself as I feel I was about to burst out a blush. "N-no I w-was-nt. I-i m-mean, Ineversaidanythinglikethat"

Just then the elevator's door opened and I swiftly got out or practically ran out to the practice room not minding Seokjin's calls for me to slow down. I quickly opened and entered the familiar door and was greeted by the oh-so-familiar-people in it.

"Ah, I see your already back Jieun-ssi! I hope I didn't disturb you while your eating your meal" Rapmon greeted and apologized as well to me like the leader he is.

I simply smiled brightly as I can and replied "Oh no, really you did'nt! Infact, you called just at the right time."

"The right time? What do you mean the right time IU-ssi?" V asked ever so curious.

I was about to reply when the door flung open revealing a panting and sweating Jin behind it.

"Yah! Jiji! Why'd you left me there at the elevator?! I was calling out to you?!" Jin shouted with a hint of anger to it.

I sweat-dropped, "About that,..."

I was rudely cut off by a man who does'nt seem to stop smiling. "Jin! What happened? You look like sh*t!" He exclaimed while slightly laughing. I guess he does not seem to know what he said was quite insulting.

"You don't say..." He sighed and took a seat beside Junkook.

"Let's start the meeting then. Everybody in their seats." Rapmon exclaimed with authority and looked at me.

I just stood there not quite sure what to do. Then, realization hit me. I was the only one standing I let out a meek laugh and sat down beside Jimin.

"Well, carry on then~" I let out a smile of assurance to let him continue but what I really meant was I just want to get this over with.

Anyeong! Konnichiwa~
author speaking ^^

How was the chapter? For me it's quite long and not to mention awkward. Teeheee~

Aaanyways, sorry for the wrong grammars and the typos :'( well cuz now I'm writing the story on mobile and curse my fat fingers! I mean I keep on typing the wrong letter. Its frustrating D:<

Fan,Vote,Comment or eat naengmyeon!!!!!!
(I'd also really appreciate if you comment me on any ideas you have for the story♥♥♥ 아 주 세 요)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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