It's You!!!!

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Hahaha, I started laughing at the sight of him being so innocent. I can’t believe he’s on this group, this group is way too young for him xD, I jokingly said in my head.

As I was laughing so hard I suddenly stopped as I heard the rumbling sound of my stomach. Oh gosh this is so embarrasing.

I was such in a hurry that I forgot to eat breakfast.

Of course, the other members also heard it cause my tummy rumbles very loud when  I’m hungry.

Gosh, what am I supposed to do? Eottoke? Eottokehaji?

As I was panicking, V suddenly spoke “IU-ssi, you’re hungry you need to eat. There’s a canteen below.”

I wanted to eat and go right now but logically speaking, I do not know where. How should I say It?

I was staring at the floor planning on how to ask directions without furtherly humiliating myself without knowing, that the members can see the frustration on my face.

My moment of silence broke when someone laughed, as I turned my head to see who was it I was not surprised to see Taehyungie grinning and holding back another laugh.

Annoyed, I said “Laugh all you want, so what? I’m hungry okay and besides you’re the reason why I wasn’t able to take my breakfast”.

I was about to burst in anger and yell in frustration when he replied while giving a sweet and sincere smile,“Mianne, I’m sorry for making the cute and adorable IU mad and miss her breakfast. Actually there’s no need to feel ashamed because I too forgot to eat breakfast because of the thrill of meeting you. Jieun-ssi, mianne^^”.

After hearing that I don’t know if I’ll still be mad or stand in awe as the cute creature stand before me.

“If it’s okay with you, I may court you to the canteen. Just wait outside for a bit as I get my things and my jacket”. He said while facing and arranging his things.

“Arrasso, I’ll just wait outside by the elevator”. I replied

I closed the door of the room and began walking to the elevator. I stood there and waited while thinking of foods to eat when I get there. A few minutes passed and there were still no sign of V, then I decided to go inside the elevator. I pushed the ‘going down’ button by mistake and then I went YOLO by pushing the first floor button.

I stepped outside, and asked for people where to find the canteen and they said ‘take a left turn down the hallway then go right’. I began walking there not minding my rumbling tummy disturbing everybody that I pass.

When I finally got there, I took a quick look at their menu and I was delighted to see my favourite food,naengmyeon (cold noodle dish) on the menu. I was searching out my money from my wallet as I was about to say my order and hand over my cash, someone cut me off. I was about to say my order “one naengmyeon e-” when he said “one naengmyeon, extra soup with pepper please and make it special for the lady beside me”.

Standing there stunned and a thought came to me, it was exactly what I wanted to order and that voice is so familliar, there was only one person who knew this order. It’s the only thing I say when I order in a food stall with ... no, no way.

I stopped talking to myself and faced to my right hoping that what I thought was wrong. I opened my eyes, and I guessed right I saw  the person whom I haven’t seen in a long time and the one whom I hated for such a long time just centimeters away from me. He’s just smiling there acting like everything’s okay which isn’t. Just seeing his face makes me want to punch him in his balls.

I can feel my temper rising as I’m about to be filled with rage and fury and when it got to the point that I can’t take it anymore, I just shouted it out.

And my 3 words of fury was ”Yah! KIM SEOKJJJIIIINNNN!!!!!”



Konnichiwa! Annyeonhaseyo~

To you who’s reading, thank you so so like very much! Really, thank you so much!

Sorry for the typos (really sorry about that)

Sorry for the wrong grammar (yeah... i’m still working on that)

The naengmyeon, I forgot what IU’s fav food is but I’m sure that the naengmyeon is Jin-oppa’s fav food

And the cafeteria, i don’t really know if they have it in the bighit building \(o_O)/

Oh and sorry for the really small chapter

well, at least we know who IU hates (or does she?)



I HATE YOU BECAUSE I LOVED YOU (IU&BTSfanfic)Where stories live. Discover now