
They were in the cart heading to Mt. Hakobe and inside we see Natsu laying on the floor sick with Happy sitting next to Y/n while Lucy across from them.

Y/n: So Lucy, why did you want to come with us?

Lucy: Well I figure you two might need a extra hand so I figure I'll tag along. After all you save me from that fake Salamander guy so I return the favour by helping yous.

Y/n: (smile) Well stay close to us and everything will be okay.

Lucy: (smile) No problem.

Lucy looks down at the sick Natsu and then she said.

Lucy: You know I never see Natsu get that serious.

Happy: That's because he doesn't want Romeo to feel the same lost as he has.

Lucy: What do you mean?

Happy: You see when Natsu was young, he was taking care by a dragon name Ingeel. The two were close however one day Igneel disappeared. That was 7 years ago.

Lucy: So that's why you guys travelled to Hargeon.

Happy: (smile) Aye.

Y/n: Natsu maybe aggressive in times but he's like this because he cares for everyone in the guild. He needed to be strong so he can protect everyone he cares for.

Lucy: I see. Say Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Lucy: What do you know about Mt. Hakobe?

Y/n: Well that place is homed to large ape like creatures known as Vulcans. They are large and strong creatures and in large packs is extremely dangerous.

Lucy: (scared) Okay I may have made a mistake.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing will lay a hand on you. We just need to find Macao and leave before any Vulcan might show up.

It made Lucy blush to know that he'll keep her safe which made her smile. Soon they arrive to the place with the rider yelling them this is as far as he can go as they leave the back of his cart.

They travel up the mountain and searching for Macao but no signs of anyone for miles.

Lucy: Isn't this not suppose to be summer?! Why is it so freezing here.

Y/n: No matter it is Summer or Autumn, this doesn't change the weather in this place.

Natsu: You should have brought a coat.

Lucy: But your not!

They keep walking until Y/n stops them and looks around.

Y/n: I believe someone is watching us.

This made Lucy nervous while Natsu crackle his knuckles as Y/n scan around them. He doesn't see anything around them so he shut his eyes and try to listen. He stood there like a statue with the only thing he can hear is the strong winds. But then he heard something coming towards them pretty fast.

It gets louder and louder and soon Y/n quickly pulled out his sword while he quickly open his eyes and blocks a incoming strike from behind of Lucy which surprised her.

He stared back at a Vulcan as he enter a blade lock only for a Vulcan to push his claws foward and swnt Y/n flying back. He soon land on his feet and ready his blade as Natsu try to launch his attack but the Vulcan punches him and sent him off the cliff.

Lucy: Natsu!

Y/n: Happy!

Happy: Aye!

Happy flies down while Y/n turns back to Vulcan as the Vulcan begins to beat on his chest.

Fairy Tail x Op male ninja reader: A dark ninja of Redemption Where stories live. Discover now