⛥ S U F F E R ⛥

371 6 10

A.N- im sick af rn and have missed three days of school so i have nothing better to do with my life than write. pray 4 me.

"Nope. Nope. Not happening," I mumble to myself as I try to shut the door. Before I can, a hand slips around it, keeping me from closing it. The door forcefully swings open.

"Vivianne, we need to have a chat."

"Mother," I scowl. "How in the hell did you even get here," I roll my eyes at the familiar feeling of a wand being pressed against my throat.

"Malfoy's son came through with the cabinet. It's quite handy. Now move," I step out of the way, giving her access to my dorm. I intend on making her leave quickly. Might as well get it over with.

"My roommates will be back shortly so whatever you want to say, say it now." I don't bother with pleasantries anymore. She lost my respect long ago.

"Tonight, you will become less of a disappointment."

"First of all, ouch. Secondly, that was incredibly cryptic and I understood none of that."

"You are going to your first meeting," she throws me a plain black hooded robe that materialized out of nowhere, "Do be fast. The Lord doesn't like it when people are late."

If there's a meeting now, then where the fuck did Theodore go earlier?

I throw on the robe and sneak off to the Room of Requirements with my mother. Because this is apparently what I truly need, a cabinet that's going to lead me to my own personal hell. Oh goody.


We've just reached our destination and all I can think about is how that thing should be used as a torture device. I'm trying so hard not to double over and just lay on the ground for a while.

"Now all we have to do is apparate to The Dark Lord," Mother smiles.

You've got to be kidding me.

"If I get sick I'm throwing up all over you," are my last words before I feel like I'm being compacted and ripped apart at the same time.

It feels like it lasted for hours but realistically, it's probably only been a few minutes.

Without letting me catch my breath my birth giver is already dragging me through a large black gate.

"You are an asshole," I deadpan, yanking my hand out of hers. And the mum of the year award goes to...

"Less whining more walking. You think you're in pain now? Just wait," What. The. Fuck.

Suddenly murder doesn't sound too terrible. I mean just this once. The world could do without a few less Deatheaters. If I catch them all by surprise...

"Vivianne. Focus," She smacks the back of my head like I'm 9 and she just heard me laugh at my brother because his cat died. True story, I was a mean ass kid.

Mother strides into the dingy shack looking thing without even knocking. I guess they had to change their meeting location again. Can't be too careful, I guess.

I'm immediately met with around a dozen faces staring me, causing my heart rate to spike.

Sweaty palms, shaky hands, sinking stomach, racing heart, all of the signs that I'm going to have a panic attack. All of the signs I am currently experiencing.

"Ah, Vivianne Nott." The Dark Lord says my name like it leaves a sweet taste in his mouth. Ew.

"Hello my lord." I bow lowly, only rising when he motions for me to sit in the seat to his left. I dig my nails into my palms in an attempt to ground myself.

"Tonight," He addresses the room, "we celebrate our newest follower. Daughter of Andria and Gale Nott." he looks over to me and whispers, "It is truly a shame your brother couldn't be here."

Before I can process what he said, the room fills with the sound of soft claps. I look up and almost cry when I spot Enzo, Draco and Pansy looking at me with blank expressions.

  "And now. If you will," The Dark Lord motions for me to stand once more as he rises, "I shall give you The Dark Mark in order for you to fulfill your destiny. Your left arm, please,"

I look around the room at the watchful eyes. Everyone's attention is on me and it's scaring the shit out of me. I extend my arm outwards with my palm up.

His cold, bony fingers wrap around my wrist sending shivers through my body. Yeah so I know I said that physical touch helps me with panic attacks, but right now it's only making things worse.

He presses his wand against my forearm, giving me little time to prepare myself before I suffer the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my lifetime.

"Mate, she's been out for almost 4 hours." A worried voice wakes me. I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times, adjusting my eyes to the fluorescent lights. My immediate focus is on the burning, throbbing sensation in my arm.

  Oh yeah. That happened.

  "Well hello, sleepy head. Welcome to the land of the living," I throw myself into Enzo's arms, reveling in the familiar scent of fresh linens with the tiniest hint of lemon.

  He chuckles softly and wraps his arms around me. He rubs circles on my back and rests his chin on my head.

  I sniffle and gently pull away before looking down at my arm.

  "Wow. This shit fucking hurts," I smile a little in an attempt to calm myself. "Quick question though, where are we?" The room is suspiciously clean, like something I don't think I want to know happens here.

  It's decorated quite nicely. Dark grey drapes cover the long and narrow four-pane windows, the floors are a dark oak, the walls are painted a dim grey.

  I'm lying on a plush couch with crimson throw pillows that is placed in front of a giant brick fireplace with a bright flame.

  "We, are in my house."


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