Carols & Chopin |h.h|

Start from the beginning

I finish slipping on the tight dress, shimmying my way into it and adjusting as needed. Next is heels, makeup, a few accessories, and then I'm out the door. I arrive to the bar shortly after and look around to see if I can spot them. I feel eyes in the back of my head and I slowly turn to see Harriet staring at me.

She smiles softly and I head over with the same look on my face. She stands up and hugs me tightly, my hands wrapping around her waist and hers around my neck. My fingertips brush skin and I realize her dress must have an open back. Needless to say, that caused my mind—and subsequently my hands—to wander.

I managed to stop myself as they reach her hips and act as though I only did so to hold her at an arms length. I take the time to check her out, her smooth legs exposed due to the short fabric. She also wears silver high heels, very high in fact. My gaze reaches her face once more and she's blushing a bit. Any time she gets any sort of lingering attention from me she gets shy, which I find adorable.

It's always led me to believe she feels the same way about me as I feel about her but there's Matt to prove me wrong. "You look stunning" I whisper, "so do you" she sighs as she gently bites her lip. I take a seat next to her in the booth and I look around wondering where Matt is but I don't ask. I know he's here and it's not foreign for him not to be attentive to her.

I've never understood how he gets away with that considering it's obvious Harriet is a high maintenance girl—in the best way of course. She craves the affection and closeness from those she loves; I speak as though I know his girlfriend better than he does—I do actually. I order a drink and start mingling with the other cast members until there's a sudden announcement.

Karaoke is now open for anyone who wants to give it a go and don't be shy! There's a good chance you won't remember anyway!

I giggle softly to myself as the announcer himself is a bit tipsy. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Harriet with her head in her hand, elbow supporting her on the table. I'm always stunned by her beauty, it's unreal. "Are you gonna sing?" I raise my eyebrows, gesturing with my eyes to the stage "up there? No way" I chuckle.

"Why not?! Like he said... almost no one will remember tomorrow and also—you have a beautiful voice and I want to hear it" she whines and gives me puppy eyes that she knows I can't deny. "That was really good for my ego—but I really can't-" "yes you can. For me? Please" her hand lands on my thigh and my resistance disappears like magic.

"Ok" I sigh, "yay! I love you" she kisses my cheek happily before taking a sip of her drink and I fight the urge to place my hand over the spot. My body feels warm and it's definitely not the alcohol. I order a few shots, needing the liquid courage and then I head for the stage. No one has come up yet so I'll be the first which is nerve wracking on its own.

"What ya singing, pretty lady?" I glance up to see the dj and she smiles warmly at me, "ummm Santa Baby" I answer shyly. "Oh? There's a special someone in the crowd?" I shake my head but avert my eyes from hers, "I know that look... you don't have to tell me. You picked a versatile one, so make the most of it whether cute or... sexy" I look up at her and she winks.

After a few presses of various buttons on her keyboard, the music begins to play. I thank her quickly and take to the mic, holding it with both hands. My eyes land on Harriet who has her head in both hands with a big smile on her face. 'You got this' she mouths and it gives me enough courage to actually follow through. Then again, I would do anything to make her smile.

Santa, baby
Just slip a sable under the tree, for me
Been an awful good girl

I decided to take the dj's advice and go a bit on the risky side. I sway my hips a little to the rhythm and put my mouth close to the mic. I purposely make my voice a little more breathy than usual, almost like whispering. I look around the room to see a few people turning to me but I only feel one pair of eyes. I turn to her and I can tell I have all her attention.

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