Peace in Storybrooke |r.m|

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I have found myself privileged enough to be dating the infamous Regina Mills and let me just say, she does not disappoint

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I have found myself privileged enough to be dating the infamous Regina Mills and let me just say, she does not disappoint. She's a woman of integrity, by that I mean she can be a bit stubborn. I don't mind it all, until the holidays roll around, that is. She tends to... overdo it a little when it comes to decorating. However, I can't complain, it always comes out beautiful.

Then again, I can complain, because her constant critiquing drives me insane. Yet I love her all the more for it, it's something she takes extreme pride in. So I listen to every command and if she tells me to move an ornament 16 times, then I'll move it 16 times. Luckily, we've finished the bulk of them already and all that's left is a few touches for the small party she's throwing.

I say 'party' but it's more like an intimate dinner with her friends. Still, she takes it as seriously as a gala and—if nothing else—you have to applaud her dedication. She sends me to the shop for a few items she forgot to pick up and I go without protest. I know she's just trying to get me out the house so she can finish up. I don't blame her, after all, she knows how she wants it and her magic will make it no problem to do alone.

When I arrive back, she's sitting in the kitchen and I can smell the apples from the front door. I enter to put the things away, glancing at her and being put at ease when the tension releases from her forehead. I hate to see my love frowning, especially when she's gone to all this trouble to make things so beautiful.

I decide to keep out the hot chocolate mix I bought, going over to hug her from behind. "I don't think it could look—or smell—better in here" I whisper, placing a kiss on her neck and she sighs happily. She may be tough but I know she likes praise just as much as the next person. It's just that she's a bit too prideful to ask for it, luckily with me, she doesn't have to.

"I'll double check upstairs for you, ok? Just relax" I instruct, knowing the thought was on her mind. She nods and places a soft but passionate kiss on my lips to send me off. I dash upstairs, quickly checking the bathroom to make sure everything is in place. I also make sure the present I bought her is still hidden where she can't find it.

I smile mischievously as I find the other gifts she's hidden but I know better than to believe mine is amongst them; let alone be crazy enough to risk being caught lurking. So I head back down to find her over the stove, the smell of chocolate in the air mixing with the sweet cinnamon apple emanating from the turnovers she's now removed from the oven to cool.

"Sit. It's almost done" she demands and again, I know better than to argue. Even when I tell her to relax, she feels the need to stay on her feet. One of these days I'm gonna chain this woman's feet to the pavement—who am I kidding? That wouldn't stop her. She places the cup in front of me, pouring one of her own after.

I eye her curiously as she sits at the stool next to me, taking a sip of the hot beverage. "Umm... excuse me?" I ask funnily and she turns to me with furrowed eyebrows, taking a second to swallow the sip she'd taken. "Yeah?" A smile ghosts her lips while her eyes are narrowed teasingly, eyebrow infamously arched in teasing way. "Aren't you—ahem—forgetting something?" I prompt and her face falls to one of contemplation.

Her gaze lifts to the ceiling as she thinks, her fingers tapping gently against the mug she holds in front of her face with two hands. "I don't think so..." she mumbles, "babe. Christmas hot chocolate, is not regular hot chocolate. Where are the marshmallows??" I ask in a jokingly frantic voice and she rolls her eyes.

"I thought you were being serious" she scoffs, "um... I am serious" I state firmly to which she sighs dramatically. With a wave of her hand, marshmallows appear in front of us. I place a few in my cup, dropping some in hers too before she can tell me not to. She glares at me, taking a sip whilst never letting her gaze leave mine.

"You act like Emma with the cinnamon thing" she comments with a roll of her eyes, "you know what? I was going to ask for cinnamon but I thought that might be a bit much" I tease. Before she can retort, the door opens and laughter begins to fill the space. "I smell hot chocolate!" Emma yells and Regina closes her eyes as she sighs.

You'd think she hates the blonde but it's more... love-hate like siblings in a... very strange way. "How dare you partake in the sacred chocolate without cinnamon? How barbaric!" She exclaims, glancing at me and winking. I know she only does so to rile up Regina and I find it quite amusing. Henry comes close behind her and hugs his mom and I.

Within the next half hour, all the guests have arrived and dinner has begun. The usual bickering commences but it's all in good fun. I find myself staring at Regina and she catches me, smiling lovingly. She takes my hand on top of the table, giving it a gentle squeeze as her eyes crinkle. And as I glance around the room, I'm met with a beautiful sight.

All of them laughing and smiling, without a single sign of worry on their faces. This may be a crazy and chaotic town but in moments like these, I find immense peace. Amongst the chatter, there's a certain quality of stillness that settles in my heart. Not one of stagnation but of contentment—happiness. What more could one wish for?

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