Once Upon A December |f.z|

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I recently moved to a new neighborhood and haven't really gotten used to the area yet

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I recently moved to a new neighborhood and haven't really gotten used to the area yet. The only neighborhood I've really met is Jonathan and Lewis, his nephew. They're very quirky but nice enough and I enjoy their company. Unfortunately, they decided to take a vacation since the boy had never been skiing before. Alas, all hope is not lost!

There's still the woman I've never worked up the guts to approach directly. Florence. She and Jonathan are basically best friends, so I'd often see her the few times I went over, but we never really spoke. We mostly just politely smile at each other and go about our days. I've always wished to be closer to her and with us both home for the holidays, it seems like the perfect chance.

My best idea to ease my way in is with cookies because, well, who doesn't like cookies? So that's what I decided to do. I don't consider myself much of a baker but around the holidays I tend to be quite experimental. I love trying new things when it comes to the sweet treats and even if it doesn't turn out perfect, I always have a good time.

I've just finished wrapping them up and I'm trying to talk myself into leaving the house. It's just a hop and a skip to her door but it feels like miles to me. I'm scared that maybe she won't like sweets or what if she has baked her own? I push aside my fears, knowing I'll forever regret it if I don't even try.

I lock my door and rush over to her house as I try to beat the cold. I ring her doorbell once, twice, before waiting patiently. My foot taps quickly, partially in response to the chill in the air but also because my nerves are high. I see the little cover on the peephole slide off and back in its place.

I hold my breath for a moment as seconds seem to pass like minutes. I almost walk away, feeling silly for thinking she'd just let a stranger in her home. As my feet shift to turn around, the door creaks softly and I see her head peek out. Her eyes drop to the container in my hand and a smile grows on her face, the door widening as she gestures for me to pass.

Without a word, I enter, sighing softly at the warmth returning to me. The door closes, startling me a bit and I turn to see her staring at me. Her arms are clasped in front of her and I'm in awe even though she is simple standing. "You look beautiful" I breathe out before I can stop myself and she smiles, her eyebrows slightly furrowing as though she's confused but she seems more amused than anything.

"Sorry. Ummm I baked cookies and I thought—well... I wanted to bring you some because I can't possibly eat them all on my own" I ramble and she continues to look at me with that same bewildered expression. "Not that I'm just bringing you random extras—I made them for you but—well we haven't really had the chance to talk much and so-" "thank you" she interjects with a giggle and I sigh heavily.

"You probably think I'm some recluse with no social skills whatsoever" I chuckle nervously, "no, no, I don't think that. Your rambles are cute" she assures me and I glance away shyly. "Come on, we can set them in the kitchen" she nods her head as a guide and leads me further into her home. I take in all the decor, never having been inside before. She has light decorations for the coming season but nothing too elaborate.

A December to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now