Chapter 37 - Arrested

Start from the beginning

I never wanted to let go.


"Mom he's okay I promise!"

"Oh but honey he must be having a hard time!" My mom sadly groans as she repostions the camera over FaceTime, "I never would've thought the boy I housed was a multi millionaire... did he think our house was gross?"

"Mom, Minho isn't like that you know?" I quickly add suddenly feeling defensive.

"I know baby. He is my sungies boyfriend after all." My mom adds with a playful hint. I roll my eyes at her but couldn't help but giggle at her fangirling.

"The trial is set to be soon..." I start when our giggles die down, the atmosphere getting serious again and I reposition my phone, "It's been hard yes, but Minhos been strong and I'm so proud of him."

"Aww I wish I could see you two..." My mom looks away from the camera for a moment as her work break was coming to an end, "Should I stop by this weekend? I think I can work overtime tonight and my boss will let me off."

I open my mouth to respond, but I'm cut off by a figure sitting down in the bench beside me. "It's okay Ms. Han! You don't have to worry."

I didn't even have to look in the direction to know that the sweet voice and the hands that had made their way around my waist were indeed my boyfriend. My moms face immediately lights up when she hears Minhos and I point the camera his way.

"Oh Minho honey! I heard about your father..." She hesitates for a moment before brushing it off and tries to lighten the mood, "Please feel free to stay with me and jisung anytime you guys get off okay?" She sends a big smile to which Minho reciprocates.

Minho leans closer to me on the bench, the wind blowing our hair in all different directions. I was starting to regret eating outside, but the person with me made it all better. "Thank you Ms.Han." Minho slightly bows his head.

"Oh please call me mom, baby."

I could feel my face heat up as I slowly look to see Minhos reaction. But his smile had never been wider. "O-Okay mom!"

After a few last words, the call had ended. The familiar feeling of longing returned as soon as my mother was off the phone. The homesickness had gotten better with time, especially now that I have Minho, but every once in a while, I really missed her. Things would all work out though.

"Babe? How were classes?" Minho looks at me through his long eye lashes and his slightly overgrown bangs. Things were starting to feel normal with both of us back to school and Minhos injuries mostly healed now. He could actually walk around campus now with nothing more than a small limp.

I pocket my phone and squint my eyes to look at him as more wind blows our way, "Good min.

"The usual." He places a quick kiss at the corner of my lips before getting up and holding his hand out. I grab onto it and pull myself up too, leaving our hands conjoined as we walk toward the building. "I saw this cute park we could go to on Sunday when youre done studying. A date you know?"

I hum in response, enjoying the comfort of his presence. I could almost close my eyes and bask in that feeling, but I still had half the day left.

Honestly, we were eachothers first partners, and at times things were awkward and new. But it's strange how this concept of love was so easy with him. Like I never felt nervous to tell him I love him. I wanted to make it so obvious to him, maybe tattoo it on my face.

"Pick up the pace with your slow ass," Minho drags me along by the hand and groans, "I'm literally limping and faster than you!"

"Aish softie Minho comes out too often I begin to forget the real Lee Minho." I send him a glare as I match his pace and stick my tongue out at him.

"Yah for the last time! Softie Minho isn't real!"

"Then who was that boy who scratched my head to sleep last night?"

"T-that was a one time thing!"


Minhos slightly tinted red face looks to our hands, "Atleast I don't wash you hair like Hyunjin and seungmin do..." He mutters to himself.

"W-wash my hair!?" I sputter out, "W-we'd have to shower together." My face turns a deep red shade as Minhos eyes widen and look my way.

"W-why would I ever w-want to shower with you!"

"Yah! You know you probably want to!" I send him a sly grin with a sudden boost of confidence.


"Excuse me guys?"

The voice makes the both of us restore normal color to our faces, looking to a man standing beside me. He was wearing a suit and tie and looked well over the age of 40. Not exactly something you'd see at a highschool. "Uhm yes?" I answer as me and Minho share a glare and Minho steps a bit closer to me. He's been awfully paranoid with me, for good reason.

"Are you Lee Minho? Lee Jimins son?" The man asks, suddenly pulling out a recorder from his coat pocket.

Minho groans at this, "Y-you guys can't be at this school!" Many reporters had tried to get a hold of Minho after the case broke the news but most weren't allowed due to the school campus security. They could only approach him when he was off campus, which was rare and often quick. "I'm gonna have to report you if you don't leave."

Minho grips my hand tighter and was ready to lead us away, until the reporter says one last thing.

"Is this the other boy in the video... your roommate.. why are you two holding hands?" The gears turning in the reporters head were almost audible, "Don't tell me you two..."

I was about to lookto Minho and tell him we should get going, but he was quicker with his own response.

"Yeah. We are dating." Minho says calmly before leading me to continue our walk back to the building.

it's been a while since the last update so I gave yall a longer one.

Possibly the next chapter will be the last one before an epilogue maybe in the future.

I had some exams this week and then I'll finally get winter break but then when we go back to school we have more exams in January-

I hate school with a passion

Sorry for being so busy but yk the drill, school comes first.

I'll probably update my other books and finish this one quicker once break starts

Hope you enjoyed!

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