•Right person, wrong time. ~Foxface

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Please don't read if this is a sensitive subject to you!
You've been warned

[Also apologizes if this doesn't make sense I has having trouble with her]
It’s the third evening of the 74th annual Hunger Games, the sun slowly slipping below the landscape. Trekking through the dense forest, you stumble upon a non-poisonous plant, you harvest it, and leave it alone whilst you set up camp. Once you come back, you notice the auburn haired girl, Everyone called Foxface dashing away from your stockpile of food.

"Hey!" You yelled, looking over at your supplies, seeing what she had taken. You noticed that she had taken the nightlocks instead of the non-poisonous berries. You stood there debating if you should tell her she toke the wrong ones. You wanted to win, but you didn't want to be a cause of a death. So you started running after the girl yelling for her to stop.

"You took the wrong ones! Those can kill you!" You yelled, trying to get the girls attention

Foxface's head quickly darted, looking at who yelled out to her only to see you had chased after her, and she couldn't let you ruin her plan. She ran until she reached a tree, she began to climb it as quickly as possible, while her legs gripped tightly to the rough bark, her hands holding onto branches as she began to scale the tree. She hoped you wouldn't follow her, but that was unlikely

"Those are night locks." She stopped at the tree she climbed up as you caught her breath. "Unless you're trying to kill yourself, those aren't edible." You tried explaining before looking down at the bottom of the tree kneeling down on the turffs area, pulling out a cloth of some of the other berries you managed to grap before chasing the girl.

"These aren't poisonous..." You muttered. You didn't know what her plans were. Maybe she purposely took the nightlocks. You had no clue why you were sharing her food or why you were even helping her. You just felt as if she had to.

"I know what I took." Foxface spoke in a sharp tone. She could feel a bit of the tension in the air as she spoke, her plan of stealing the food didn't go as planned. And now, she needed to keep control of the situation, or you might would ruin her plans. It was risky letting someone know what she really wanted to do. "I know exactly what I'm doing." She lied with a smirk, looking down at her.

"I know you're smart. You said it in your interview." You started to say not believing her lies, as you looked up at the tree to see her sitting on a stable branch. You then kneeled down, looking at the cloth, and took a berry, eating one to show it wasn't poisonous. She swallowed it, showing it was safe to eat.

"I kinda figured you went for the poisonous one.. I was gonna let you run off with them, but.." You stopped looking back at the girl. "You looked hungry. So... I chased after you... I didn't want to cause any harm.. i swear." You reassured her, taking a step back from the tree

Foxface didn't trust anyone, she kept her true intentions hidden. Even if it meant acting kind and trustworthy. She watched you eat the berries, which meant it was safe to assume you were telling the truth, those indeed weren't poisonous. You could've let her run off without the berries and let her starve. But, you didn't. Curious. Foxface wondered about it, why did you want to keep her alive?

"Thank you." Foxface spoke. "You're quite smart yourself." She added with a smirk, causing you to smile, rolling her eyes.

You had her suspensions about her. You knew she always ran and hid from her ture attentions. You guessed that's why she was called foxface. She was sneaky like a fox.

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