Episode 6: The Valley Play Part 1

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It had been a few weeks since the first visit to the cafe for Picky, DogDay, Kickin, Bubba, Peggy and CozyFair. During this time, Picky had a job interview and it went well. Now for her it's a waiting game to see if she's qualified for the job or not. It would take three to four business days for the cafe to decide.

When they aren't working there, Crafty would go back to drawing commissions on weekends. It's become a hobby kind of thing now but she keeps getting paid for it. CatNap hasn't been hanging out with the other critters lately after that day dressed up as a maid to scare the guys away. He would just stay home and sulk about it. Out of all the critters messaging CatNap to make sure he was okay, it was DogDay despite that.

Being in that maid outfit is the most embarrassing thing CatNap had to deal with.

Which was more embarrassing? Dressing up as Kaufmo the clown and nearly having a panic attack or dressing up as a maid to help Crafty?

Speaking of DogDay, no one else knew if this was true; but he may have threatened Kickin he'd pluck off every single feather one by one if the chicken told everyone about CatNap dressed as a maid. They passed it off as unlikely though. They know DogDay isn't the violent type.

Though what would explain Kickin avoiding the leader lately?

When the critters aren't hanging out like today, Bobby remains in the basement; admiring her secret Hoppy x Kickin shipping shrine. More artwork had been hung on the walls thanks to those - as Bobby calls them - lovely artists she hired.

That's one thing that's creepy but also the same.

Finally there was Bubba at his house with an old friend from middle school living in an apartment in the busy part of Critter Valley; FancyFox. FancyFox is sitting on Bubba's bed while Bubba is on his laptop typing intently.

"You're starting to act a little funny Bubba." FancyFox spoke up. "You've been typing a lot since I came over an you haven't said anything. Is there something important coming up? What's going on?" She stood up from Bubba's bed and walked over next to the elephant. She saw a brochure of a college. "Wait, is that the local college in Critter Valley?"

Bubba's eyes widened and quickly snatched the brochure away. "Nope!" he answered quickly. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Nuh uh. Not at all."

"Bubba, I've been your friend for a long time now." FancyFox pointed out. "We both have the same dream. You know you're going to tell me eventually."

Bubba pouted, but then eventually sighed in defeat. "Alright, you got me. Here." He handed FancyFox the brochure. "I wanted to keep it a secret until the time is right." he explained. "It's a brochure for the local college near the neighborhood. I was thinking about looking about it."

FancyFox looked at the brochure, then back at Bubba with a beaming smile. "Bubba, that's wonderful!" FancyFox exclaimed. "What are you going to major in?"

"Theater." Bubba answered. "Not so much as major in it; it's more like I want to take a class in it."

"Really? That's awesome!" FancyFox exclaimed dreamily. "That's the same class I'm at. We're very close to making our dream come true. That is if we can get over stage fright. Not the two of us; we can sing. It's just that performing in front of a lot of people is..."

"A challenge, I know." Bubba nodded. "That's why I want to attend that class though; to face those challenges. You know me FancyFox, I'm not scared. Actually; instead of performing, I would like to direct or write a play."

"Well, go for it Bubba." FancyFox encouraged. "You have my full support in this. Heck, I'll even drive you to the college and take you to the theater. I have a class there too, but I mainly design costumes."

Poppy Playtime: Smiling Critters SEASON 1Where stories live. Discover now