Chapter 21: False Gods

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The streets outside were dim, the night providing a veil. Akali and Kayn moved cautiously, sticking to the shadows, avoiding any direct light. Every so often, the buzz of a phone would pierce the silence. Glancing at their screens, they saw missed calls and messages from their respective bands.

Akali switched off her phone and pushed it deeper in her pocket while keeping her eyes locked on the street ahead. "Ignore them for now. We need to lay low."

But their attempt at discretion was short-lived. As they turned a corner, the faint glow from a streetlamp illuminated their faces just long enough for a group of late-night revelers to recognize them. A gasp, followed by a chorus of excited whispers, broke the night's stillness. "Oh my god, it's Kayn!" A girl squealed, her eyes wide with adoration. "And Akali! Together?!" Another added, her voice rising in pitch.

Whispers spread like wildfire, and within moments, the quiet alleyway transformed into a frenzied scene. Fans began pouring out from nearby establishments, their excitement palpable as they clamored for a glimpse of the two music icons together.

Within moments, they were surrounded. Fans, phones in hand, pressed in, their excitement palpable. "Take off your shirt for us!" one yelled at Kayn. "Akali, can I get a selfie?" another begged.

Kayn's temper flared. The fans, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, were jeopardizing everything. The looming threat of being returned to that hellish "rehab" facility gnawed at him. The uncertainty of what they'd do to him, or whether he'd even emerge with his sanity intact, was a constant weight on his mind. When a girl brazenly attempted to snap a photo of Akali, he snatched the phone, smashing it under his boot. That single image could be their undoing, a beacon for Silco to pinpoint their location.

The girl's eyes filled with tears, her excitement replaced by shock.

Kayn, realizing his overreaction, looked genuinely apologetic. "I'm sorry," he muttered, pulling out a wad of cash and thrusting it into her hand. "Just... buy a new one."

Akali grabbed Kayn's arm, pulling him away from the scene. As they retreated, Kayn's voice was filled with disgust. "I can't believe I was once like them, idolizing Pentakill without knowing the real story."

Akali shot him a sympathetic look. "They're just kids, Kayn."

"They completely idolize us," Kayn retorted harshly. A sudden realization dawned on him as his hand instinctively clutched the book in his pocket. "The book warned about this. About worshipping false idols. Akali... we're the idols."

Akali exchanged a nervous look with him, her thoughts drifting to Ahri, the face of K/DA, adored by millions, yet trapped in a figurative cage. She was worshipped by a massive fanbase who thought they knew every detail about her, and who envied her life, when in reality she cried herself to sleep every night.

"It's a big trap, luring more innocent kids in with the promise of fame and fortune. Our lives look glamourous on the outside, but in reality we're just puppets being used to push agendas. And once they're done with us... well..." Kayn's voice faded into silence.

Akali recalled the aging rockstar with faded tattoos she'd encountered at the bar, drowning his memories in drink. That was probably the 'good' way to go. She knew plenty of rockstars who had overdosed and died early in life. Why did she never question it before? Why would anyone take their own life if they had it all?

Kayn, his anger subsiding, looked at Akali, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "I'm turning into a real buzzkill, aren't I?"

They walked in silence for a moment, the weight of their reality pressing down on them. "How do we break free?" Akali finally asked. "Everywhere we go, we're recognized. Running seems impossible. And if they catch us now, we'll be trapped under the thumb of our handlers. I used to think they were just there to manage our schedules, but they're working for Silco, aren't they?"

"They definitely can't be trusted. They hauled me off to Silco's mansion when I was begging them to let me go back to my apartment," Kayn replied with a hint of bitterness. "Anyway, let's get something to eat."

Akali led him to a hole-in-the-wall eatery, tucked away from the main streets. The aroma of fresh ramen noodles wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of sizzling pans and lively chatter. It was a stark contrast to the tension they'd been feeling.

Akali slid a steaming bowl of ramen over to Kayn. "Fuel for the fight," she said.

Kayn took a bite. "For a quick pick, this place isn't half bad."

"Told you," Akali smirked. "When it comes to street food, I'm the queen."

As they were about to dig in further, Akali's phone vibrated loudly on the metal table, its glow illuminating the dimly lit space. She picked it up, her expression shifting from relaxed to tense in an instant.

The message was from Silco.

"Hope you're enjoying your little date. It'd be a real pity if Ahri missed her next meal. Hand yourselves over, or she pays the price."

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