Chapter 16: A Struggle for Control

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The dim light from the window cast eerie shadows across the room. Akali's heart raced, her mind working overtime to process the situation. The sinister presence that was Rhaast seemed to be in full control of Kayn's body, and the way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine.

Akali took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Kayn, if you're in there, fight this. Don't let him control you!"

Rhaast chuckled, a sound that was both chilling and mocking. Without warning, he began to walk toward her and slowly unbutton Kayn's shirt, revealing the pale skin underneath. "You think this body is his? It's mine now."

Akali's eyes widened in horror as Rhaast, with a swift movement, grabbed her by the wrist, his grip iron-tight. She tried to pull away, but his strength was overwhelming. In a desperate attempt, she lifted her foot to stomp on his, hoping to break free.

But Rhaast merely laughed, the sound echoing eerily in the room. "You think that will stop me? You're even more foolish than I thought."

His eyes, cold and calculating, bore into hers. "You know, Akali, you could use some reprogramming yourself. Maybe you and Kayn can go through the process together. Wouldn't that be fun?"

Panic surged through Akali. She had to find a way out, and fast. She struggled and tried to pull away to no avail.

But just as hope seemed lost, Kayn's voice, weak but filled with desperation, broke through. "Akali... run!" he managed to gasp out, using the last of his strength to push her away from him.

Akali stumbled back, her heart pounding. She didn't need to be told twice. Turning on her heel, she bolted for the exit, determined to find a way to save Kayn from the clutches of Rhaast and the industry that sought to control them both.

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