Chapter 6: True Damage

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Determined to fight back, Akali swapped her dark purple hair and puff jacket for a green tracksuit and beige hair. It was a fresh start, a new identity. Then she reached out to some of the biggest names in the industry: Ekko, with his powerful lyrics and beats; Qiyana, with her fierce attitude; Senna, whose soulful melodies could move mountains; and Yasuo, the DJ who could make any track come alive.

Together, they formed True Damage. Their goal was clear: to free artists from the chains that bound them.

Ekko was the first to speak up, "We've got the talent, the drive. Silco won't know what hit him."

Senna nodded, her voice filled with determination, "We've all got our scars from this industry. It's time to fight back."

Their first track, "Giants," was a powerful anthem of rebellion and freedom. But as they prepared to release it, they faced obstacles at every turn. Silco's influence was vast, and he made sure their song was buried, never reaching the masses and never once hitting the radio.

The day after the release, the group met up. The atmosphere was tense. Yasuo broke the silence, "The numbers... they're not good."

Qiyana threw her hands up in frustration, "How is this possible? We poured our souls into this!"

"Silco. He's behind this. He's making sure we fail," Senna sighed. "We underestimated him."

Akali, trying to keep the group's spirits up, said, "We knew this wouldn't be easy. We'll find another way."

But the damage was done. The group was disheartened, their dreams crushed.

Akali returned home, hoping to find solace in the quiet of her apartment. Powering her computer on, she watched the "Giants" music video on YouTube. It had a few thousand views already, but it felt like a hollow victory. Without the major music stations playing it on air, it was getting far less reach.

The room's silence was shattered by the sudden buzz of her phone. Akali's heart skipped a beat, a flicker of hope igniting as she recognized the sender: Kayn. But that hope was brutally crushed as she deciphered his message, a mocking trio of emojis: a garbage can, a garbage bag, and a vomiting face.

A wave of betrayal washed over her, the sting of his mockery cutting deep. With a mix of anger and defiance, she shot back with a red thumbs down. His immediate retort, a taunting tongue-out emoji, only deepened the wound.

Akali hesitated, her finger hovering over the block button beside Kayn's name, but instead settled for sending an unamused face. The weight of their shattered bond felt heavier than ever.

The phone rang. It was Kayn. "Your new look and sound? Pathetic. True Damage? A joke."

Akali's voice was icy. "Jealous you weren't invited?"

He laughed, "Why would I want to join a sinking ship?"

The two exchanged heated words, their past friendship forgotten in the heat of the moment. By the end of the call, the rift between them had grown even wider.

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