Chapter 17

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The following morning, she was asleep when her phone kept ringing, she answered the phone, and the call was from her doctor letting her know she was due for a check-up today. She checked the time and noticed it was time for him to get up, and tried to wake him. She shook him and blew in his ear to wake him up, and even tried to tickle him but it didn't work either.

She got up to turn the radio on full blast, and he suddenly heard how loud it was, and got up to get ready for work. He looked at her with an angry look on his face, she wondered if that angry look was because of the radio she blasted and began to worry if it was about it. She waited until he came out of the bathroom, and she asked him why the angry look and he told her why.

"Um honey why that look?"

"What look?"

"The angry look on your face"

"There is no angry look on my face darling"

"Yes there is and I'm not crazy"

"I didn't say you were and you must be seeing things"

"You are looking at me like I'm crazy, and the only thing I see is the angry look on your face"

"Darling let's have this discussion later. I'm heading to work"

"We will have it now and I don't care if you will be late to work"

"If you don't care then I do. Excuse me. Bye, honey. We'll talk later"


She stood there watching him leave in disbelief, she thought he would listen but he didn't, and she went to the kitchen to make something to eat. She went to the room to watch her movie and relax while eating her food in peace and waiting for later to arrive to continue the discussion. As she was waiting, she fell asleep while the movie continued to play, and the TV turned off by itself.

Meanwhile, he was at the office working on those files, getting them to his boss to approve, and wondering if she was mad over the fact that he didn't want to talk about it. He took out his phone to call her and waited for her to pick up the phone but no response, so decided to call later. as time went by, she woke up to missed calls and text messages, she replied to the messages and called him back.

"Hi, honey you called?"

"Yes honey how are you?"

"I'm ok honey I just woke up. I was asleep"

"Oh ok I was wondering if you were still mad"

"Mad about what?"

"Oh, you forgot ?"

"Forgot what?"

"The discussion from this morning"

"Oh of course I'm still mad"

"Why are you still mad?"

"I am mad because you brushed the discussion under the carpet and saved it for later to do"

"I didn't brush it under the carpet and saved it for later"

"Yes you did"

"No, I didn't I swear"

"Oh my god yes, you did. Why are you lying ?"

"I am not lying"

"Yes, you are lying. You know what"


"You made me madder than I was this morning so I'm going to hang up and when you are ready to admit you are lying and apologize, call me back"

"I am not going to admit anything and will not apologize for it"

"Fine. bye asshole"

"What did you just say?"

"I said fine. bye"

"No no, I heard that. but what did you say under your breath?"

"I didn't say anything under my breath"

"Yes you did"

"No, I didn't bye"

She hangs up the phone, looks for a movie to watch, and relaxes on the bed. He continues to focus on his work until it is time to clock out, and he tries not to think about what she said and suddenly feels hungry. He looks for a restaurant to order from, pays for it over the phone, waits for the food to arrive, and eats it during his break in the break room.

Meanwhile, she goes to the kitchen to make something to eat, continues to watch her movie, and waits for him to come home. Moments later, his food arrived at the office, he went to the break room to eat and continue to work on what he was working on at his desk. As time flew by, it was time to wrap up work, clock out of work, and drive home to be their wives/husbands.

He arrives home to find food to eat, take a shower, and go to sleep when she refuses to let him go to sleep.

"Can we have this discussion now?"

"Why now? Can't you see I'm tired?"

"I have been waiting all day to have it now"

"Listen I'm tired and I'm going to sleep whether you like it or not"

"Excuse me but you will not go to sleep"

"Good night sweetie"


She couldn't believe what just happened, she closed the lights and went to sleep facing her side of the room. 

Love's Final ChapterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora