Chapter 15

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The next day, while Oz was still asleep his phone rang indicating someone was calling him. It continued to ring until Zeina heard it and told him to answer the phone. He answered his phone and it was his boss that was calling him to let him know that he doesn't need to come into the office.


"Oz wake up"

"Who is this?"

"Your boss"

"Oh good morning boss"

"Yes, good morning to you. Do not come into work today"

"Why boss?"

"It's a holiday"

"What holiday?"

"Check your calendar on what day it is today and what holiday it is"

He goes to the calendar app on his phone and sees it is the 23rd of November and presses to see what holiday it is.

"Oh it's Thanksgiving day"

"Yes, it's Thanksgiving day. Tell your fiancee that I said not to call the office as no one will be there to answer. ok"

"All alright boss I will do just that"

"See you after the holiday and have a good day"

"You too boss"

The call ended as he put his phone back on the bedside table and got up to make breakfast for his fiancee to eat and then start making meals for Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, she was still asleep in bed while he was still cooking for both of them to eat until she twisted and turned in bed. Moments later, she woke up to the sweet smell of the food he was preparing for the holiday and was confused about why he was cooking all that food and went to ask him.

"Good morning my sweetheart"

"Morning my love"

"Did you sleep well ?"

"Yes I very well did"

"That's good to hear"

"Honey, what is all of this food for?"

"Check what day is it on the calendar".

She checks it on her phone and sees it is the 23rd of November and presses to see if it is Thanksgiving day.

"Happy Thanksgiving my love"

"Happy Thanksgiving to you sweetie"

"I'm guessing you do not have to go to work today"

"Nope and my boss told me to tell you not to bother calling the office because no one will be there to answer the phone"

"Alright, messaged received and I won't call"

"Good come help me in the kitchen"

"Alright. honey, don't you think we should invite people?"

"Like who honey?"

"Well your family and friends"

"My family doesn't know about you and I have no friends. How about your family and friends?"

"Same with my family and I don't know if I want to invite her"

"Honey come on you have to invite her"

"But honey"

"No, but honey. You have to invite her or I'm going to invite her myself"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Try me"

"I'm not inviting her and that's that"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really"

"Alright then. I'm going to call her"

"You don't even know her number"

"I'm going to make you give me the number"

"Who says I will give it to you?"

"I know you will"

"No, I won't and you can't make me give it to you"

"Oh you really want to try me now"

"Please, no one is trying you. Don't flatter yourself"

"You are trying me and please don't make me angry"

"If I do, what will you do?"

"Get me angry and find out"

"I can get you angry anytime I want and you won't do anything"

"Is that what you think?"

"I don't think. I know"

"Let's see you do it then"

"It is you who said you can"

"I don't have the energy for this right now. if I say I don't want to invite her then I am not inviting her. End of discussion"

"Have it your way. I'm not cooking this anymore"

"As if I care"

"I don't care either"

"Glad we are on the same page"


"I'll be in bed on my phone watching a movie"


The argument has ended and the food has remained unprepared to cook for the holiday and he turned the TV on to watch a scary movie. An hour later, she fell asleep watching her movie and he got up to continue preparing the food and then went back to watch his movie. As he was watching his movie, he started to smell something bad and didn't know what it was, he went to the kitchen and saw the food was on fire.

He turned off the oven to grab the fire extinguisher to put out any leftover fires, took out the food from the oven to scrape the burnt parts of the food, and left it to cool off in the kitchen. He went back to the room to continue watching his movie and called it a day until he fell asleep.

Hours later, it was night and she woke up to get something to eat, put the burnt food in the fridge, and put him in bed to sleep. She turned the TV off, got in bed to lie down, and closed her eyes to go to sleep.

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