Chapter 13

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As the night turned into morning, the alarm clock rang 8 a.m., and he got up to prepare breakfast for her to eat. He brought it to the room, placed it on the bedside table, and got ready for work. He walked out of the house, walked towards his car to start it, and drove off to work.

He arrived at the office building to clock in and let his boss know he had arrived and walked towards his desk to start working. He grabbed the office phone and dialed to call the secretary to bring any files that needed his urgent attention and walked away after putting it on his table. He starts reading the files carefully to sign them, brings them to his boss, and goes back to work on the other files.

Moments later, she wakes up feeling hungry and goes to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. She grabbed the food with her into the room and sat down while watching TV to eat it. She looked around the room and noticed that he wasn't there and wondered if he had already gone to the office.

"Hello sweetie," Zeina said

"Hello, my angel how are you?" Oz replied

"I'm okay and you," Zeina said

"I'm good" Oz replied

"Are you at the office already?" Zeina asked

"Yes, my angel," oz said

Why did you leave without telling me?" Zeina asked

"You look so cute when you are asleep I didn't want to disturb you. I left some breakfast for you" Oz said

"Really? You did?" Zeina asked

"Yeah, I did. you didn't see it?" oz asked

"No, I didn't," Zeina said

"I placed it on the bedside table," Oz said

"On my side or yours?" Zeina asked

"Your side" Oz replied

"Alright .oh I see it now" Zeina replied

"You do?" Oz asked

"Yes sweetie I see it and thank you" Zeina replied

"You're welcome my darling angel," Oz said

The call had ended and she reached over to grab the food and put it next to her on the bed. She put the food she was done eating down and started to eat the one he prepared for her while watching TV. She leaned on her pillow as she watched her program, and fell asleep moments later.

A few hours later. The TV turned itself off and he was on his lunch break in his office eating while thinking of his fiancee. She was still asleep and he decided to call her to see if she wanted anything that her heart wanted. He continued to focus on his work and waited until she was awake to call back.

Moments later, she woke up from her nap and was surprised that she had missed calls from her fiance. She leaned against her pillow and grabbed her phone from her bedside table to call him back and waited for him to answer the phone. As he is focusing on his work he notices an incoming call and grabs his phone to check who it is to answer.

He answers the phone and hears it is his fiancee who is calling him and starts talking.

"Hi baby," Zeina said

"How are you, my beautiful woman?" oz asked

"I'm okay," Zeina said

"Are you sure?" oz asked

"Yes, baby I'm sure. You called?" Zeina replied

"Yes, baby I did. I wanted to know if you wanted me to buy you something you really wanted" Oz replied

"Oh well I do want something but ..." Zeina said

"But what?" oz asked

"I would feel like I'm asking too much," Zeina said

"Nonsense. Nothing is ever too much for me to buy for you" Oz said

"Are you sure honey?" Zeina asked

"Yes I'm very sure," Oz said

"Well I want some red roses, chocolate, and maybe some new clothes," Zeina said

"Is that all you want or there's more that you want?" oz asked

"That's all honey," Zeina said

"Alright, call me if you need anything else," Oz said

"I will" Zeina replied

The call had ended, and she got up to make something to eat and continued to watch TV. He continued working on the work that he had to correct to give to his boss for approval. Suddenly, something stumped him and he realized he didn't know what type of chocolate she liked the most.

He called her back to ask what is her size and her favorite type of chocolate as he didn't know that information at all about her. She picked up the phone and wondered if anything was wrong.

"You called again sweetie?" Zeina asked

"Yes I called" Oz replied

"Anything the matter?" Zeina asked

"Just forgot to say I love you," Oz said

"Oh honey I love you too," Zeina said

"I love you more," Oz said

"No, no I love you more than you love me" Zeina replied

"You win my love. I'm going to leave the office now to buy what you want. Oh sweetie what is your size?" oz replied

"My size?" Zeina asked

"Yes your size" Oz replied

"You don't know my size?" Zeina asked

"Unfortunately, I don't honey" Oz replied

"Well it is medium" Zeina replied

"Alright, I'll be home soon" Oz replied

The call had ended, and he walked over to his boss to tell him that he was leaving the office and clocked out. He starts the car and drives off to the store to buy the chocolate. He realizes he doesn't know which chocolate she wants but buys them all and heads to the mall to buy her new clothes.

He entered the mall and browsed for the types of clothes he thought she would like and paid for them. He tries to remember what else she wants and he looks at what he has gotten already and can't seem to remember the last thing. He checked the list again and saw he forgot to buy the red roses

He goes back to the store to buy the red roses for her, pays for them, and drives off to go home. He arrived home, hugged her, and gave her the red roses, the chocolate, and the new clothes she wanted. She hugged him and kissed him as a way to show her appreciation.

"Thank you, honey," Zeina said

"You're welcome, my love. Have you eaten?" Oz replied

"Yes I have sweetie," Zeina said

"Alright I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed," Oz said

"Ok my love I will join in a few minutes" Zeina replied

"Alright," Oz said

He walks towards the shower, gets in after a long day, and rinses off. She removes her clothes to join him in the shower and takes a turn cleaning/rinsing each other. He comes out of the shower and heads towards the room to put on sleeping clothes and goes to sleep.

She finishes taking her shower, rinsing off her hair, and gets out of the shower to change. She walked towards the room, laid down next to him to cuddle, and went to sleep.

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