RE8 One Shot: Cassie Takes Care Of Theodore

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(As the morning sun rises upon house Dimitrescu everything was quiet an silent as a mouse but in the room where Cass and Theo slept it was not silent)

(As Cass wakes up she sees her little man moaning and groaning continuously she spoke in a concerned voice as she was worried about the boy she loved)

Cassandra: Sweetie.. are.. are you ok(Puts her hand on Theo's head an gasps)oh my goodness love.. your burning up

Theodore: Cassie.. m-my stomach doesn't feel right.. can you h-hand me a bucket or something p-please(Spoke in a pained voice)

Cassandra: Sure thing hun I'll be right back(Goes an quickly gets a bucket an hands it to the boy)

(As soon as Cassandra handed the bucket to the boy he threw up in it a few times.. this raised concern for Cassandra as she was very worried for the boy, she didn't know what to do but she knew who she could go to for this kind of thing)

Cassandra: Baby.. I'll be back as soon as possible.. I'm going to ask my mom about this.. hang in there ok.. just keep using the bucket

(Cassandra quickly leaves the room an heads towards her mothers chambers.. as she got there she knocks on the door knocking endlessly)

Cassandra: Mother are you awake.. please it's urgent!

Alcina:(Opens the door)What is it my daughter.. what seems to be the problem and why were you frantically banging my door.. did something happen?

Cassandra: It's Theodore mother.. he's sick.. he's throwing up and he has a really bad fever.. I.. I don't know what to do.. I came to you and I thought maybe you know something like this(Spoke in a worried tone)

Alcina: Walk with me an we'll go take a look an see what's going on ok

(Alcina and Cassandra walk back towards the room where Cass and Theo were sleeping and to the horror Theodore was throwing up a lot in the bucket and there was blood in it to.. the two were scared but Cassandra was even more worried and very scared as she has never seen this happen before she instinctively runs towards the boy's side)

Cassandra: Oh my god Theodore.. are you ok!.. please speak to me!

Theodore: S-sister w-why is this happening to me(Throws up in the bucket and coughs)I-I'm scared(Starts to cry)

Cassandra: It's ok baby.. I'm here an so is my mother(Holds the boy in her arms)mother we must do something.. I hate seeing my little man like this

Alcina: I know who can help.. if their not to busy mother Miranda and Donna can come an help

Cassandra: Hurry mother.. get them here as soon as possible.. I don't know how much longer Theo can take this

(Alcina hurriedly makes her way towards her chambers an doesn't hesitate to call Mother Miranda and Donna.. meanwhile Cassandra does her best to comfort Theodore as he was getting sicker an sicker.. but after hearing the noise Bela comes in to investigate)

Cassandra: Oh.. Bela it's you.. what are you doing here

Bela: I came to see what was going on.. is something wrong with Theodore?

Cassandra: Yes! do you not see he's extremely sick!.. he has a really bad fever and he's throwing up a lot.. I'm doing my best here to comfort him while mother calls auntie Miranda and Donna to come over

Bela:(Gasps)Oh my goodness.. I hope little one here recovers.. poor thing

Cassandra: I hope so poor sweet baby(Hugs the kid again and sniffles)

Bela: I-is there anything I can do to help

Cassandra: Run him a lukewarm bath please.. hopefully that will help

(Bela nods as she goes an turns on the bath water)

Theodore: Cassie...

Cassandra: Shh.. shh it's ok love I'm here.. everything's going to be fine I promise

Theodore: W-why is this happening

Cassandra: I don't know honey.. but I'm sure my aunts will know what to do.. mother is calling them right now.. at this moment I just wanna focus on comforting you ok.. if you need to throw up again the buckets right here.. I will be right beside you incase you need it ok

Theodore: Thank you sister

Cassandra: Of course sweetheart.. your big sister is right here

Bela: Sister.. the bath is ready

Cassandra: Perfect

Bela: Will there be anything else I can do to help

Cassandra: I can take it from here.. thank you for your assistance

Bela: Anytime sister.. and Theodore(The boy looks at her)I wish you a rapid recovery little one.. get well soon(Hugs the boy)

Theodore: Thank you Bela(Returns the hug)

(Bela smiles then leaves)

Cassandra: Alright dear lets get you out of these clothes and into the tub ok

(As Cassandra took off the boy's clothes she helps him into the tub, once in she bathes and watches to see if he throws up again... as time passed Cass finishes bathing the boy an helps him get into comfortable clothing.. after that she lays him down on the bed.. then she gets in bed cradling the boy closer to her pale skinned body mixing his warmth with her cool skin hoping that it'll help ease the pain the boy is going through)

(Time Skip)

(As time goes by Cass wakes up an sees Theo sleeping she smiles with relief knowing that Theodore isn't throwing up anymore but still has a bad fever.. but with a sudden sound of the door handle jiggling back an forth Cass wakes up.. and as the door opens mother Miranda and Donna enter the room)

Cassandra: Theodore.. time to wake up honey(Spoke in a soft voice)

Theodore: W-what's going on.. w-who are they?(Sees the two women standing in front of the door

Daniela Dimitrescu X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now