RE8 One Shot: A Maidens Bad Move

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(As the day went on everything was peaceful, Joshua was strolling through the corridors of the Dimitrescu Castle minding his own business until he bumps into a maid)

Joshua: Oomph

Maiden: Oh my god I am so sorry sir please forgive me(Spoke in a concerned tone accidentally spilling one of Lady Dimitrescu's expensive wine)

Joshua: It's no problem ma'am.. here let me help you

Maiden: Sir.. you don't have to do this

Joshua: Please.. allow me.. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking.. so please let me help you with this

(As Joshua genuinely helped the maid with the mess she spoke an introduced herself)

Maiden: Thank you for the help sir

Joshua: Of course

Maiden: What is your name by the way may I ask

Joshua: I'm Joshua

Maiden: I'm Maria

Joshua: Nice to meet you Maria

Maria: Nice to meet you as well, and thank you for the help sir.. h-how can I repay you

Joshua: There's no need

Maria: But there must be something I can do(Gasps)Hmm I have an idea

Joshua: Oh

Maria: Come to my room in a few minutes, I have something in mind for you

Joshua: Ok(I spoke curiously)

(As Maria leaves Joshua's girlfriend Daniela appears)

Daniela: Hey babe

Joshua: Hey baby.. what're you doing here

Daniela: I just got this weird feeling about that maid that bumped into you

Joshua: Spying on me weren't you

Daniela: Just making sure that my handsome strong man isn't in any danger

Joshua: Heh.. if there was danger I'd warn you

Daniela: I know you would.. but anyways.. what does that maid want with you

Joshua: Honestly I have no idea.. but i guess I better go an see what she allegedly has in mind for me

Daniela: She better not try anything or else I will tell mother on her

Joshua: Don't worry.. if she does anything I'll holler for you

Daniela: Ok

(As Daniela swarmed off to the library Joshua went to Maria's room and knocks on the door)

Maria: Ah there you are.. come in

(As Joshua entered Maria locks the door)

Joshua: Um.. why did you lock the door

Maria: So that way no one can interrupt you an me.. besides you helped me so now I can repay you by giving my body to you(Strips herself naked)

Joshua: Maria.. I'm sorry but.. but I can't do this.. I belong to Daniela and her alone.. I'm sorry but I cannot betray her like this.. it's wrong and you will not do this to me

Maria:(Scoffs)I see how it is.. you'd rather be with that freak then a normal woman like me

Joshua: What the fuck did you just say

Maria: You heard me.. how can you be attracted to her.. surely you could've gone for either lady Bela or lady Cassandra or perhaps even me

Joshua: How dare you insult my beloved Daniela like this!(I spoke in a pissed off tone as my voice boomed)you have no right to insult Alcina's daughter who is my girlfriend!.. oh.. when I tell Daniela and Alcina about this.. you are going to regret it!(I jiggled the door handle violently and broke it storming out of the room)

(As Joshua left the room with anger inside him Daniela appeared before him a look of concern was on her face)

Daniela: My draga mea, what happened?!

Joshua: Let's go back to our room and I'll tell you ok.. I just.. I just need to cool down right now

Daniela: O-ok babe

(The two went back to their bedroom and as they got there Daniela locks the door, after that she sits next to her lover)

Daniela: Tell me what happened honey

Joshua:(I sighed)As soon as you left I went to Maria's room and.. your not gonna believe what she tried to do next

Daniela: What did she try to do

Joshua: She locked the door an stripped herself naked and tried to have sex with me, but I refused because I belong to you and you alone.. and by telling her that it set her off and she insulted you, called you a freak an said that I could have gone with Bela or Cassandra or perhaps even her an that's when I snapped.. I.. I broke the door handle an stormed off an that's when you appeared before me

Daniela: That bitch.. I knew she was up to something.. I thought it was a friendly gesture that she was going to give you but trying to seduce an have sex with you.. is a big no no.. only I can have sex with you unless I allow my sisters to.. but still we should tell mother about this an see what she thinks is the best punishment for Maria since she tried to make you betray me

Joshua: I think that's a good idea.. lets go

Daniela Dimitrescu X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now