6. Psycho » w. junhui

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"We'll talk about those thoughts later. For now, let's focus on something else. Are you getting your medication on time?" she inquired, reaching for her notebook on the table.

"Later? You're making a mistake, doc. I've got things on my mind, important things. You wouldn't want me to keep them bottled up, would you?"

Y/N felt a chill run down her spine but maintained her composure.

"Besides, I've been a good boy lately. You can ask my guards," the man's dark eyes narrowed, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

"Alright then," she said, adjusting herself in her seat and taking a sip from her coffee. "Let's explore these thoughts further."

"Well, doc," he began, his voice a low murmur as he leaned in closer, his eyes penetrating with an unsettling intensity. "It's like a relentless echo, the same haunting story. I see her in the shadows of this cage, in the flickering lights, not only in my dreams. She's everywhere, a constant presence that refuses to leave the depths of my mind," he explained, his head tilting slightly.

Y/N wrote down notes, maintaining a professional demeanor even as his words sent a shiver down her spine. "Can you elaborate on who this person is, Mr. Junhui? Understanding the source is crucial for us to address these persistent thoughts."

His lips curled into a chilling smile. "Oh, doc, she's not a person. She's an idea, a specter of my own making."

"But she looks a lot like you. Actually, she is you," Jun explained, a sinister smile stretching across his face as Y/N couldn't help but gulp, a knot of discomfort settling in the pit of her stomach.

Caught off guard, Y/N found herself momentarily speechless, trying to come up with a explanation for Jun's hallucinations.

"Take your meds on time...It's just your imagination."

Just then, a voice tore through the corridor, Seungkwan's voice.

Y/N rose from her seat, a sense of urgency replacing the unease that lingered in the room. She glanced at Jun, who seemed unfazed to the disturbance.

"Mr. Junhui, excuse me for a moment," she said, her tone measured but an underlying tension present. As she moved towards the door, his gaze followed her, unwavering and unnerving.

Y/N quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing against the cold, concrete walls. Seungkwan's voice grew louder, carrying a tone of distress.

"Doc, help me, please!"

As the door closed behind her, Jun's dark chuckle filled the room. "Great acting, Seungkwan," he remarked, rising from his seat.

"Just my imagination, huh? We'll see about that."

His eyes scanned the area with a meticulous scrutiny, as if deciphering hidden details in the fabric of the space.

As he reached the cabinet, his eyes focused intently on the assortment of pill bottles neatly arranged inside. A grin played on his lips.

"Now, what's the name of that medication?" he pondered aloud, his fingers delicately tracing the labels, as if each one held a piece of the puzzle he was determined to unravel.

As his eyes scanned the labels on the pill bottles, he paused at one - "Lysergic acid diethylamide." He read it aloud, his brow furrowing with intrigue.

"LSD?" he mused, a dark amusement dancing in his eyes.

His fingers traced the labels almost caressingly, as if absorbing some hidden knowledge.

"Ah, my beautiful lady, it's time for you to experience my world," he declared with a disturbing confidence, taking the bottle in hand. He moved purposefully towards the table where Y/N's coffee had been placed.

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