1| Boss Bitch

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I'm staring at the woman in the mirror and damn she's hot.

Call me proud or cocky but I believe in self praise cause if I don't slap my own ass and call myself Baby Doll I sure as hell won't let anyone else do it for me.

I adjust the sleaves of my dress, smoothen my black hair out and examine myself from head to toe.

Perfection is needed because I know as soon as I step into that building, every eye will be on me, constantly waiting for a fuck up

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Perfection is needed because I know as soon as I step into that building, every eye will be on me, constantly waiting for a fuck up.

But ha! Those bitches got nothing on me!

Williams Ford, the closest thing I have to a family,is coming today, he's been with me since I started  Doucèur.

He was the first person to invest in the business when it was still a mere imagination of mine.

I can't wait to see him, for him to see this place, how it has grown, how it is still growing.

The last time he came here was years ago, when my grandfather, his best friend, died.

From the small shop at a shady part of the streets, it has now become the biggest fashion brand and organization, with branches in every content, run by a single young black woman.

That's me. I'm the boss, a hundred percent that bitch, the Lordess, the Ruler if this Queendom.

Damn. I've come a long way. I can't afford to slack now.

I check the time on my cute rose gold wristwatch that I bought for myself on my birthday.

It's 7:15 and the meeting starts by 8:30.

I've made it my signature to be exactly on time, not a second early, not a second late.

So by my calculations, if I head out now I'd probably get to my company by 8, park my car by 8:10, do my slow motion power walk for about 5 minutes and walk through the conference doors by 8:30.

I blow myself a kiss, and start heading out with the keys to my Porsche in hand.

Its not like I can't afford a driver, funny enough I do have one, his name is Terry, he's cute guy, he has three kids and an adorable wife.

I only allow Terry drive me around to important events when everyone is displaying wealth and blah blah blah.

But I don't need to display wealth to work, the five story building signed in my name speaks for itself.

Thankfully, there's no traffic and I'm grateful because I forgot to say my 'Positive Mind' affirmations this morning and any annoyance would have left me bitch slapping someone.

I drive pass the guards at the gate and notice them straighten up at my presence.

I park the car and walk out, immediately wearing my poker face, my try me face, my resting bitch face and my I'm the boss and I know it face.

As I walk into the building there's immediately silence. Everyone is looking at me but not at me, their heads bow as I pass, both in respect, fear and awe.

This is my Empire. I built this place from nothing. I worked, sweat, cried and toiled for this.

I am the boss.

- - -



So.... Yh.... This is it!!

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Thank you so much for reading! If there's anything, ANYTHING, you want to ask or say feel free!!

I love you Bunnies!!! Stay sexy and happy!!! 😘
_ 🦋

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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