Chapter. 3 Get Him Back

Start from the beginning

'Not a word escaped from his mouth.' Gon could have saved himself all of this pain, but he chose to put the others first.



He couldn't understand.

Back at the hide out

"You got the-" Franklin began but stoped as soon as he saw the conditions he was in. "He needs help!" Uvo said and handed him over to Machi.

"Shit! What happened!?" She said as she examined the boys body to find all the cuts and bruises.

"He was captured and when he woke up, he killed one of there men. They had to knock him out so he couldn't kill the rest of them. He woke back up and they... tortured him. They wanted to find answers about the troupe," Uvogin said.

"Shit! How much do they know!" Phinks asked with worry in his voice.

"Nothing," Nobunaga said and looked down at Gon who was getting stitched up by Machi.

"Wait, what?!" Phinks asked in shock.

"The boy didn't tell them anything even though he got tortured for 2 days," Nobunaga said.

The members were silent.

They knew Gon was always sensitive to getting hurt, but the boy still didn't tell them anything.

Even though he could have died.

"Ok he is all set. He will regain consciousness in a few days, but judging on how the cuts are already healing, this should only be a few hours. Not to mention the broken bones," Machi said as she set him down on the ground.

Nobunaga nodded.

Feitan returned some time later still shocked about the boys's brave actions.

"I suspect you already know?" Uvo asked and Feitan nodded in agreement.

"Brave child I'll give him that," Feitan said. Uvo smiled.

After a couple hours, Gon started to wake up. He slowly rose of the floor.

"Ow my head!" He said and grabbed his head in pain.

He realized he was in the hideout and looked around and saw Uvo running to check up on the boy.

"Gon!" He said as he hugged him tight.

"Jeez... I can't... breath!" Gon managed to wince out.

"Sorry, sorry," Uvogin apologized and but him down.

"And mind the broken bones," Gon said and held him chest in pain.

"Sorry!" Uvo apologized again.

He noticed the other members looking at him.

"Hi guys! How did the trip go?" Gon asked with a bright smile.

Machi chuckled to herself. "This kid."

He just tilted his head in confusion.

Gon stood up and winced in pain with his broken ribs and arm. He stretched, started jumping up and down because he legs weren't in too bad of a condition.

"Man being tied up for two days seriously does a number on yuh," Gon exclaimed with a laugh. Nobunaga giggled at his behavior.

"Sit down before I add a number to your broken bones!" Machi yelled cracking her knuckles. Gon put his free hand up and surrendered as he back sat down.

"Somebody's got a stick up there ass," Gon snarled and laughed. Some other members giggled at his joke. Machi gave Gon the I'll-kill-you-look.

Gon noticed a beer in Uvo's hand.

"What's this?" He asked as he snatched the can.

He put it to his mouth a took a sip.

"Gon give that back!" Uvo said as he reached up to grab the can out of his mouth.

"Ew this taste like shit. You can have it back," Gon said and stuck his tongue out.

"I'm glad to see you haven't changed," Nobunaga said. Gon just smiled brightly at him.

Nobunaga gave Gon a tiny smile in return.

'Thank you.' Nobunaga thought.

HEY GUYS!!! It's your favorite author 💅💅 im so sorry ik Killua and Gon haven't met yet, but there is just one more chapter I have to make and then the one after that will be the hunter exam. Im so sorry! 😭 the next chapter is important because of Gon's background otherwise I would make y'all wait.

I apologize again!

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