Master Monk Guan

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*(Let's just skip to season 2 where the Xiaolin Warriors met Chase Young. But with something extra.)*

Third person's P.O.V:

In a wild rainforest, near a waterfall, the Xiaolin warriors walk through, careful not to fall while also in a hurry to find the Shen Gong Wu.

"Dojo, would you hurry it up?" Kimiko lightly called, feeling a little tired of Dojo being slow, as he tries to catch up feeling tired.

Until he was suddenly feeling light as a feather, which surprised and confused him, But he's somehow thankful as he catches up with the kids.

"Okay. I'm still trying to pin point the Shen Gong Wu, But it's not too far from us. It's like it's playing with us or something. Or it's the forest making it a maze." Dojo rambled, trying to specify what he means.

"You think this ol' jungle is rottin' yer tracker powers for it?" Clay asked, noticing his dragon friend catching up fast, yet looks very tired all the same, which is confusing the kids a little.

 "Yeah. But, It's like an annoying group of mosquitoes buzzing around your head for anyone to focus." Dojo described as he now rests on Raimundo's shoulder.

"Yeesh. I can imagine if that happened with our training. But I'm glad the temple is safe and away from wherever territory they live in." Rai sighed, yet in relief at the last part.

Then they made it to a tree with what appears to be a lasso with snake patterns on the branch.

"That's it! The Lasso Boa-Boa. When activated, It transforms into a bone-crushing constrictor." Dojo revealed, pointing at the lasso.

"And now it's ours, let's get it before-" Omi was about to say until a not so strong wind blew with a familiar evil laugh of Jack Spicer comes. "He shows up." Omi frowned, finishing what he was saying.

"Not so fast! First you'll have to get by me, Jack Spicer!" Jack grinned cockily, with the purple ghostly spirit of Wuya, the Heylin witch, next to him.

"And my army, Of Wuyabots." He added, as robot versions of Wuya's ghost come up.

"How homely." Omi said looking at the Wuya-bots in bewilderment and disgust. "Dawg ugly." Clay agreed. "Yeah, Gross." Rai proclaimed. "Eww!" Kimiko said in disgust. Jack looks down at his enemies in annoyance. "Wuyabots...ATTACK!"

And with that the Ghostly bots advance forward at the monks and began to shoot oil out of their metal tentacles. Which the monks managed to dodge.

Xiaolin Showdown: 'Dragons have Demons too.' (Chase Young x OC)Where stories live. Discover now