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The Prototype Gallery.

The words are written in large, neon letters on the wall before her eyes, so there can be no mistake. Mariko didn't fall unconscious this time. At the moment of contact with the mysterious virus, she was transported in an instant. Well, she isn't even certain it did touch her. She saw it reach out, a fuzzy sensation enveloped her body, and suddenly she's here. That sensation lingers. An unpleasant haziness, as though from a collision.

She's still on her feet. And once she finally gets her bearings, Mariko realizes Kasey is here as well, holding her hand as he was before. One look at his flabbergasted expression and it's clear his brain is still adjusting to the situation as well. Only as Mariko attempts to pull her hand back does the angel react. He snaps to attention like a child caught falling asleep in class.

And speaking of asleep...

Aside from the glaring spotlight of a sign announcing their location, the second thing to draw Mariko's eyes like a moth to a flame is Soleil, propped up against the wall with her head hanging and her shoulders slumped. Mono is sitting next to her with his head in his hands. The missing android and the missing kitsune. At the first sound of shuffling feet, Mono's ear twitches, and he lifts his face abruptly to look at Mariko. His eyes bulge. The almost immediate lurch of his body suggests he wants to run to her, but a quick glance back at Soleil stops him.

"M-Marigold, Kasey..."

He's shaking. As she makes her way over to him, Mariko observes the fresh blood on Mono's left cheek, as well as a darkening bruise on the right. These must be the injuries Kasey was talking about.

"Mono, are you okay?"

She can see that he's not, yet the kitsune nods rapidly without batting an eye. "I-I've been trying to wake her up, but-but I don't know how," he stammers, trembling fingers grabbing at the air around Soleil's shoulder. "I don't know technology...I'm not even sure what's wrong with her, she just...appeared here out of nowhere, like I did, and then she collapsed." Squeezing his eyes shut, Mono lifts a hand to press against his forehead. The tips of his orange bangs are stained faintly with red, too. "I haven't even had a proper look around the room yet — my head has been spinning so much. And that passcode wasn't working for the door this time, either. Aghh...this whole place is giving me a headache... I'm sorry...I couldn't be of more help..."

"What are you apologizing for??" Kasey asks, visibly offended. He purses his lips as Mono struggles to meet his harsh gaze. "You didn't even have to come along in the first place. None of you did. I'm the one who's dragged everybody into this mess. Actually, no...no self-pitying! Alias, wake up!!"

Kasey's exclamation makes everyone flinch – everyone. Not just Mono, not just Mariko, but Soleil. Her head twitches, as though the angel's voice alone was the activation code her system needed to start up again. Or maybe it was about to start up anyway, and Kasey just had incredible timing. Either way, Mariko's chest is soon flooded with relief at the sight of Soleil's dichromatic eyes lighting up.

She turns straightaway to look up at Mariko. Next, Kasey. Then finally Mono. As she processes the situation silently in her head, Soleil accepts Mariko's outstretched hand and rises to her feet. Mono stands at the same time, muttering to himself.

"All that poking at your face and shaking your shoulder and you wake up to Kasey saying your name once..."

"Where is this place?"

"Prototype Gallery, apparently," says Kasey, pointing to the very obvious sign on the other end of the room. "Don't know what that means, but we can leave now, right? Now that we're all together." Excitedly, he holds his clenched fists up to his face. "Oh! And Alias! We found where Madam Servalia and the others are being held, and Marbles even knows how to—...h-hey, are you listening to me?"

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