Chapter 5

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The next morning, Ethan was the first to arrive at the Hermes table.

He looked around, hoping to see the boy sitting next him once more but he was disappointed to find himself alone instead.

He didn't know what would happen next but he hoped it involved him being with the boy again. He felt like they had a special connection that was more than just a simple friendship, they even admitted out loud that they were flirting with each other.

When breakfast ended, Chiron announced that there would be a game of capture the flag, and luckily for Ethan, Hermes and Apollo's cabin would be in the same team.

Ethan got up and headed to the woods where capture the flag would be held with a warm smile at the thought of getting to spend more time with the boy. He hoped to see the face of him when his team was divided up by zones.

Ethan couldn't help but feel his heart race when he saw the boy walking towards him. He felt as if the world was slowing down and everything around him became more vivid and intense.

"They told me I would pair up with you." Aleks said standing in front of Ethan with all his armor already on.

Ethan felt as if he won the lotto or something since he would get to spend time with the boy.

"Wait... Seriously? I'll be your partner?" Ethan asked excitedly.

"That's what they told me, that you would teach me how to use this." Aleks pointed out the sword in his hand.

"Oh... Really?..." Ethan replied with clear excitement in his voice.

The boy was looking at him as if expecting his knowledge on this subject and Ethan knew he needed to impress him.

So he took a deep breath and spoke.

"You should... Um... Well... You should hold it like this... So you don't cut yourself. " He said calmly.

Ethan continued with a few other instructions as he showed the boy how to properly hold the sword and move it.

He felt happy to be doing this for someone else and was glad to see that the boy was quick to pick it up.

He couldn't deny that he was feeling pretty proud of himself.

"Demigods, get to your corresponding places, the game is about to begin." Chiron said and the red team went into the woods followed by Ethan and Aleks.

Then, the sound of a conch was heard, marking the beginning of capture the flag.

Ethan followed the boy as they went off to the location they had been assigned to. It was away from the main body of fighters and he didn't mind this at all.

He thought about saying something but he didn't want to ruin this moment by saying something unnecessary.

They soon got to their assigned location and Ethan started looking around to see if any other people had come this way.

"Do you think we'll be safe here?" He asked the boy quietly.

"They told us to protect this area in case anyone from the blue team wants to go through this path." Aleks answered. "We'll be fine."

"Alright... So, are you ready?" He asked the boy.

Ethan was feeling a bit tense as he looked around for any potential intruders. But he also felt happy to be in a moment like this with the boy alone. Even if they were in the woods, defending a flag, they were still alone and he couldn't help but feel pretty happy about that.

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