⭐ Where the Action begins! ⭐

Start from the beginning

"Mara! What was it?"

"Pian! I have found something in this book! Look!"

She pointed at the various symbols that were showing the images of a flower and a knife. "Did you know these...?" Mara Questions him.

Pian scratches his head in confusion and shrugs that he doesn't know them.

"Geez, you forgot already??" Mara takes her phone out and scrolls in her phone as her fingers touch her mobile screen hastily. And then she shows the picture.

The picture was the one which Mara had taken a moment ago in the cave.

As Pian looked into it further, he realised that there were symbols drawn on the cave wall with the blood and those symbols were similar to the ones in the book.

Mara stares at him, "I won't be coming to school tomorrow. I'd be investigating the place!"

"But Mara! What about me and Amato?"

"Look, I trust you just as I trust Amato too. But, I feel something is suspicious about him. So, I want you to keep an eye on him."


Mara went to him further, "As far as I know, he would also want to investigate the place. So, he might ask you. You say, 'yes'. But don't say any of this that we have spoken now."

Pian sighs and asks her, "What do you think these symbols might mean? Have you learnt anything about so far??"

"Not yet. I need more time. And yet I also have more to learn. But only thing I can say is that, you should keep an eye on Amato on every action he does. And keep me updated."

"Alright...." Pian said but he gazed down on his feet as he bowed his head down as Mara was going away from him after giving some information. There was a visible expression on his face.

He wanted to tell her something. He knew something more as well. He finally halts which made Mara stop.


"Huh? What is it?"

"I wanted to tell you something."


Mara comes closer to him again.

Mara: Tell me, what is it?

Pian: I have seen something unexpected when I was going back home too...

Mara: Something unexpected?

Pian: I-It was....Deep.

Mara: Deep? I haven't seen him eversince that day. What happened?

Pian: I don't know. He was walking on the side of the road. He was bruised and hurt.

Mara: Hurt? Didn't you approach him?

Pian: That was when the weirdness started. When I approached him, he was shivering.

When Pian met Deep-

Pian: Hey! Deep! Oh my god! What are those wounds!?

Deeps eyes widened when Pian approached him. He pushed him away.

Deep: Don't! Don't come to me!!!!!

He was screaming like hell. Pian covered his ears due to the impact. 
What was wrong with Deep now?

Pian: What is wrong with you Deep!?

Deep: Don't talk!!! If you talk! I want to die!!!!!!

Pian: Huh!?

Deep ran away, his legs had some imbalancing movements which made him trip a couple of times.

And soon enough, the security guards took Pian away.

Back to the meeting of Mara and Pian-

Pian: I think...He was traumatized by something.....

Mara: Hmm...That should be true. The way he talks, he looks and the movements in his body just as you describe clearly shows that he had seen something very bad...and apparently he was traumatized.

Pian: What happened to him too?

Mara: I guess we should investigate that as well. I think that is connected with this murder....But we on the other side also have to search for Deep....I will search for him on the way I go to that cave. And you

Pian: In the school, I got it.

Then Mara and Pian waved each other goodbye and left the park.

Present, In school with Amato and Pian-

As the teacher lectures about a subject, Amato keeps looking at the clock and was diplomatic.

While Pian looked at him. Thinking about the things that were going to come......

Thank you so much for the votes so far!!! They mean so much to me. And also thanks for so much for people who are following me!!

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