"Dang, Ahaan," whistles one of his friends. "How many girls have you been flirting with?" he teases.

Ahaan has to rake his pile of cookies into his backpack. His friends clamour around him, asking for a cookie. He agrees, but seems to scan over each card before giving the corresponding cookies away. By the end, he had given most of them away, not eating a single one himself. Although the Ahaan received a lot, he busies himself with the cards, scanning over them repeatedly, searching for something it looked like.

"I'm not surprised he got so much," someone says at a table behind me.

"Yeah, he's pretty popular," her friend agrees.

"No, it's not that."

"What do you mean then? Why else would he get so much of them?" She laughs.

"Um, didn't you hear about his crush? He liked some ugly ass girl all year. No wonder every girl thinks they have a chance with him now."

"Oh, yeah. Is she that ugly?"

"I don't know. I don't have any classes with her. I just heard that she's ugly."

"Did they date?"

"No, he probably moved on by now," she scoffs.

Does Ahaan have a Valentine? My gut drags down my heart with it.

"Ishqi," Jose pokes my shoulder.

"Oh, hey."

"We had some leftover cookies and the club decided to give them to you since you worked so hard. The cookies turned out great," he pats me on the shoulder after dropping a bag of cookies into my lap.

"Thanks, " I place them into my backpack, catching Ahaan looking at me do so. When he realizes I saw him, he leaves, forgetting his pile of cards on the lunch table.

"You've been promoted to the stove," Jose shakes my hand jokingly.

"Wow, such an honour," I sarcastically reply. Though, I am relieved. I don't want to be dicing vegetables anymore.

Jose helps Kia clean up, putting unclaimed cookies back into the box to be delivered tomorrow. Part of me is compelled to look over them to try to find my name. I only take and quick glance before getting to class.

After school, I ride in Ally's car. She suggested we save gas since we go to school and work at the same time anyways.

We stop by her shop first since its closer to the entrance.

"You promised you asked to get off work at seven, right?" I check.

"Yeah, you sent that card didn't you?"

"No," I deny.

"Ally folds her arms, staring at my for the truth. "Really?"

"Fine, I did," I sigh, disappointed she found out.

"How come?"

"Its a surprise."

"You better not be hitting on me, Ishqi," Ally jokes.

"Make sure to stop by the food court by seven."

"Alright, alright. Jeez."

"Okay, I'll see you later," I wave.

Ms. Anita is sitting on a stool in the corner when I get there. The shop is slow as usual, though Ms. Anita seems disappointed that the holiday has failed to bring any more customers.

"Hi, Ms. Anita," I greet.

"Hi, Ishita," she sighs, staring at the cash register.

I go in the back to change into my uniform, leaving my backpack in my locker.

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