Chapter 4

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"So how do we handle this?" Noah asks one morning, before the museum is opened, he and Heather are standing in front of Atem's sarcaphagus, which is somehow opened and empty, but there wasn't a break-in, they had checked the cameras "Looking for something?" someone asks and they turn around to see Mana "What did you do?!" Heather asks "Honoring a promise to Ruby." Mana simply replies "Ruby's long dead, so that's impossible." Noah deadpans, Heather however stays quiet "Impossible or not, someone would've taken him and used him to draw her out and get her crown." Mana points, shrugging, she doesn't care if Noah believed her or not. "Excuse me, I'm looking for the current owner of the museum." someone says peeking in "Probably the new hire." Noah tells Heather, but Mana's gone when he wants to continue scolding her "My name's Ash, we spoke over the phone last week." he says and rubs the back of his head "Sorry I'm late, I got lost." "It's fine, we were just discussing some business." Noah tells him.

"We can't just leave it empty!" Heather tells Noah "We can if we close it." Noah points out, earning an annoyed groan "What did she even mean by honoring a promise to Ruby if Ruby's long dead?" "Noah have you, at one point, bothered to look at every documented picture or painting from the time of the Nameless Pharaoh?" Heather asks, so Noah says "Research is your department, so no.", Heather walks off and returns with old paintings "Just go through them." "But the museum can't open like this!" Noah complains, earning a sigh "All the more reason to go through them now, I will fix this." she tells him, she would fix this, somehow.

Heather finds Mana and she says "You left us with quite some trouble you know." "You really think I wouldn't have taken him unless I had to? Look Heather, charms fade over time, but that particular one wasn't supposed to." "I don't get it." Heather mumbles "Remember how Seto knew how to open Ruby's sarcaphagus?" Mana asks, earning a frown "He did it without breaking the charm because he made the charm protecting them." "And someone weakened it?" Heather asks, slightly confused "Who opened it?" Mana asks, so Heather thinks back "Noah did, he always does, even if I tell him not to." she eventually answers "Then he broke the lock, but here's the problem, we can't redo the charms because magic has faded a great deal." Mana explains. That does seem a problem "So where is he?" "Safe." is the only reply "Now I need to find Sky and Harmony.".

Noah doesn't like it that they can't keep it open, but he promises to listen when Heather tells him to not open anything "Hello welcome to the museum!" Noah greets someone and he tilts his head slightly "No drinking inside, I know." the woman says and she smiles slightly as she looks around "I wasn't even going to scold you on that, since we dismissed that rule years ago. You just look familiar.", there's a pause at that "I see." she mumbles "Actually, I'm quite curious how it looks now, it's been a while since I went here." "I'm sure I can give you a tour." Noah tells her.

Ash seems extremely surprised to see the woman "What how?!" he asks, so she laughs "I heard you got a new job from Angel, didn't know it was here." "Yeah, it's close by our home here." he says. Heather however, keeps her distance, claiming something is off with this new person, Noah agrees with it, especially when the paintings are the standard place they find the woman, just sitting there "You're hiding something aren't you?" Heather asks one day, this time the object of interest is a family painting "Perceptive." is the reply as the duo moves on to the tablets "Truth is Heather, I'm not even supposed to be here." "What do you mean?" the black haired girl asks, seeing something akin to recognition on the woman's face "Found it, step back please.", which Heather does "I knew he was smart, but this is genius.", when the tablet starts glowing Heather has to cover her eyes, but when the glowing stops she has trouble believing what happened "Should pay Seto and Sapphire a visit, maybe Raven too." "H-how?!" Heather yells, luckily there aren't many visitors "Well... magic is fading, but it appears that before Atem was sealed away, I'll lecture Noah later on museum rules, he made this tablet, depicting all the gods that came before us, it absorbs magic." "Ruby!" Ash yells hugging her tightly "Yes Angel knows, she's forcing me to stay with you guys." "That explains the guest room cleaning spree." Ash deadpans.

Since Ruby never officially handed the museum over she goes back to disguising herself and Noah has no leg to stand on "Did you know she owned the museum?" Noah asks Ash, slightly annoyed, who replies with "If you recall, I said current owner when I got here, yes I knew, I just wasn't expecting to see her." "Why is the no food and drinks rule in place anyway when nothing seems to get damaged or dirty?" Heather asks, but Ruby shakes her head "It only looks like it, there's a reason it's closed every weekend, or was closed." "Yeah Noah threw some things out the window." Heather admits with a frown "You'll see what I mean tomorrow.".

Noah gets handed cleaning supplies the next day and Ruby grins seeing the confused face "But it's not-" he gets cut off when she snaps her fingers and the magic is lifted "I put those rules down for a reason, eating is allowed in the gift shop/restsurant, but nowhere else. We'd use the weekends to clean up, I'm surprised you haven't cursed yourself yet with how reckless you are in handling what comes in." "Curses aren't real!" Noah counters, so Heather crosses her arms "I- I mean, objects aren't cursed!" "Plenty of objects are cursed." Ruby tells him, it was going to be a long weekend, but at least Angel and Ash are helping with the cleaning as well "I'll handle that mom." Angel says, lifting a heavy bucket "I can carry that though." Ruby deadpans, causing Angel to turn around and stick out her tongue "You're too old to be doing this.", well it's no lie there Ruby guesses, she's lived longer then expected already and she was pretending to be old, so she'll let the comment slide this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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