Chapter 3

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Heather gets a mail from someone named Ash, asking her when she last saw Angel, not after she headed back home, though that's worrying. "Huh..." she mumbles as she reads through some history papers and she leans back into her seat, she had been up reading through Yugi's research noted all night, so she had ignored Noah's warning about not sleeping enough, she couldn't sleep, easy as that.

Eventually she falls asleep at her desk and finds herself in an unfamiliar location, unfamiliar at first, then she recognizes the tomb "Thank you." someone says, so Heather looks towards the sound "It's fine, she'd be happier here anyway." someone else says, Heather recognizes the Pharaoh instantly, she also recognizes Angel "Goodnight Atem, may the sphinx watch over you." the silver haired guy says before he disappears, Angel giving Atem a tight hug before she leaves the tomb.

"Heather we need- oh for the love of." Noah says and he shakes his friend "Sorry." Heather mumbles as she yawns "I'll head home, you do the meeting.". Noah shakes his head in disappointment and worry, his friend hadn't been the same after the curse. During the meeting Noah's a bit distracted and he excuses himself once they have a break, hearing someone rummage through one of the offices "Heather I told you-" "Sorry for scaring you Noah." Yugi apologizes "I accidentally send my papers on Egyptians gods as well, those aren't finishes yet." "I'll go and get them for you." Noah tells him "How's she doing by the way?" Yugi asks.

When Mana arrives at the museum she wanders around for half an hour, texting someone "Excuse me, can I help you find something specific?" Noah asks "Yes, I was told you had the sarcophages of the nameless Pharaoh, I may be able to help with more details." Mana answers and she holds out her hand "The name's Mana, expert on Ancient Egyptian artifacts and kings." "Noah, owner of the museum, you're probably looking for my colleague, but she's taking a short vacation." Noah replies shaking Mana's hand "No, I'm pretty sure I'm looking for you Noah." Mana says and she gives him a smile "Is that... a Millenium item?" Noah asks, seeing the necklace Mana's wearing "Yes it is, you could say I'm a gravekeeper I suppose." is the answer, though that makes him a bit confused.

"Heather? You there, I brough that book you needed." Seto calls out, but Noah tells him exactly what he had told Mana "I see, well she requested this old book, do you think I can bring it to her house?" Seto asks. Upon seeing Mana the CEO raises an eyebrow "I shall inform Sapphire, it was great to see you again Mana, though you can drop your disguise around me." he says, earning a kind smile "I know, if you see Ruby again, tell her she still owes me that dinner she promised me." Mana tells him, earning a nod. Seto walks away from them and he glances back at Noah, who's confused to see a hint of sadness in Seto's eyes "Take care of yourself Noah." he says before he leaves the museum.

Heather is the next one to remember and she frowns, wandering through the remains of what she guessed was once her home "Uncle wake up!" someone calls, making the girl curious, so she walks over "Angel?" she asks, only to get hugged tightly "I don't know what happened, I was on my way home and then... I was here." Angel explains, sitting against the wall "Everyone's asleep too and I can't wake anyone." "Funny... I was at home, taking a nap, the bam, I'm here." Heather tells her "I know someone who could help, but she's a traveller, who knows where she is." Angel mumbles, but a noise gets their attention "Finally, the throne of gods is mine! Now all I need is the second crown." someone says, but cursing is heard "So I need to find the sun brat first, fine.". Heather and Angel run off and at the portal room, going through, Heather ending up back in her room and she wakes with a start, the hell was that?

Noah's happy to see his friend back at work and Mana had concluded her business so she had left again "Soon Atem, soon." the old sorcerer mumbles, first she had to protect everyone, so she heads back to Egypt, when she enters Ruby's tomb she teleports to the end, sensing an intruder "You failed the riddle." the sphinx tells someone "Seems I'm right on time." Mana says and she adds "You will never get her crown.", when the room starts to freeze Mana smirks "In fact, you won't get anything, you see, we planned ahead, ahead of people like you." "Mana." Angel says and she appears "So it's true, dad's dreams are coming true." she mumbles, earning a nod "Anyway, what can I help you with?" "My uncle," Angel says "and maybe help me locate sky." "Sky... is, well..." Mana trails off "Don't laugh! He opened a snackbar in Domino.", Angel does start laughing at that and it takes a while before she stops "I needed a good laugh." she says drying her tears "Why do you need Sky specifically?" Mana asks and Angel frowns "Well, he is the moon god, one of the two anyway, so he might be able to help me more then Heather and he has a snack bar, so he might have heard something about someone wanting to take over our world." she explains.

It's pretty calm when they arrive there "I'll be there in a moment." Sky tells them when they sit down, turns out there's not much info, but at least the food is good "Guess I'll be going back home soon, look for more clues around the ruins." "Ruby and Atem would've liked these milkshakes." Mana mumbles, earning a sigh "Yeah, they would've." "Can you please stop doing shit without telling me?" Ash asks as he walks over to the two "We're supposed to guard the temple remember?" he asks and sighs sitting next to Angel, who hands him the extra milkshake "I know." she replies "So how is it?" "A mess," he deadpans leaning back "I tried to seal it, but raiders..." "I wouldn't worry about that." Mana tells him with a smile. Ash runs a hand through Angel's hair "Who else we got?" "Heather, though not fully, we need a certain someone to wake dad, but she's sealed away in her tomb." Angel explains "I see and my dad?" Ash asks quietly "Bottom of his lake, can't reach him without upsetting the balance or whatever. I have heard Anubis is still doing his job, but I imagine he won't show up any time soon and unless we find an enchanted mirror we can't contact him.". "This sounds like a mess too." Ash mumbles, earning two nods "But Seto's here, he may not remember fully, but he at least remembers the important parts." Mana cuts in, making them sit in silence for a while "Well shall we get to work?" Angel asks "Who's next on the list?" Mana asks "Mokuba and Noah if possible." Ash replies, it won't be easy and they may need to seal their own memories for safety, but for now the coast is clear.

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