After that it's been six months and he haven't heard about the certain ceo again, not even from the media or any other person like he just vanished from here .

But the biggest change that he accepted was to let himself move on not fully but still he gave it a start by accepting Sehun . They both started dating from that day when Sehun asked him for a date and slowly Taehyung started to like him as a person.

Sehun is nice to him always keep him happy and care for him too. He's a funny guy and Taehyung laugh a lot with him . They both are taking it slow, well Taehyung is because he needs time to let go someone from his heart and the absence of that person from his life is helping him in it .

Taehyung stop in the park he likes to visit and sat on the bench looks at the families sitting around roaming. Couples hanging out , he would love this as well.

Then only a notification pop on his phone as he open it that brought a smile on his face .

Hey beautiful.... I've landed just right now , I'll see you tomorrow ok... take care .
Yours Mr cool.

Taehyung laugh at the text . Mr cool , that's what he calls Sehun because he's just cool .

"  Hmm ..take care of yourself too ..see you tomorrow...❤️. ". He type and send it back.

It took them a lot of time to reach at the stage where they could flirt like this and Tae like these things very much . After all he never have experienced a true relationship before.


Next day comes with new inspiration and that's how Taehyung started his day getting ready for the work and talking to Sehun on the phone.

" Yeah. I did hmm . and what about you, did you have your breakfast? " He asks wearing his watch. As the phone is on speaker.

" I did your highness...I'm just leaving the apartment... I'll reach at your building in few ready babe... bye" Sehun replies.

Taehyung smile as he look at himself in mirror.

" Hmm bye , drive carefully ok..." He ends the call and walk outside to put necessary things in his bag and going outside locking the apartment.

Now waiting outside of the building he goes through the news feed. When he heard the car horn and instantly a smile form on his lips.

He saw Sehun coming out as he walk upto to him and hugging him softly. Sehun chuckle and hold his waist pecking his head .

" Hey beautiful... you're looking gorgeous as ever" Taehyung smiles shyly and pull back.

" You yourself not looking bad Mr Oh .." they both laugh as Sehun admire Taehyung's ligh up face in the sunrays .

Taehyung blushes as he feel Sehun looking at him without blinking.

" Why are you looking at me like that huh!" He asks looking down.

Sehun pull him close and make him look up caressing his cheeks.

" How can I not admire the ethereal person in front of me... everytime you come in front of me and my heart goes like oof...what had I done in my past life to get such a unreal person as my boyfriend...thank you Tae for giving me a chance"  Taehyung doesn't comment on that and just smile lightly.

" Let's go...or else we're going to be late ok..." They both sat inside the car and Sehun drive them to Jeon corporation as they have a meeting there with BODs of the company due to launch of another publication house .

𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ