Chapter 5

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It had been a week since Kaoka and Trent's argument, lately she had been questioning herself if moving back here was really a good idea. News had got out that Trent and Hannah had broke up, Kaoka just prayed that she wasn't the reason for the break up

Today was Saturday and Liverpool had a match day today, the girls had invited her to come as it was some of the boys last game, so Kaoka had to go (guys I know Alex was one of those boys 😭😫but for the sake of this book he is still apart of the team)


Kaoka didn't have any jerseys from Liverpool, so she just decided to dress up cute as there was a farewell dinner after the game

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Kaoka didn't have any jerseys from Liverpool, so she just decided to dress up cute as there was a farewell dinner after the game.

She quickly applied her lip gloss before heading downstairs as her Uber had arrived. She didn't want to drive cause perrie said that her, the wags and the boys were all going out after and apparently they all wanted her to come with them or at least that's what perrie wanted her to believe, she really just wanted her best friend to enjoy a night out after her whole argument with Trent.

She had arrived to the very familiar field, she had missed being at anfield the energy, the support, the love and devotion that the fans have for the team. As she made her way to the entrance she had met up with saffie and the pair made their way up to the family and friends section. Noa and Perrie ran towards the girls and the four girls all hugged and went straight into catching up with each other and laughing as per usual when they are all together.

The four girls were cut off mid sentence as they realised the boys coming out as they famous you never walk alone song began to play. Kaoka was looking at all the boys put a pair of big brown eyes caught her eyes as they were already staring at her, she didn't know why but her heart started to beat faster then usual, she sent the boy a warm smile as he just gave her a slight smile then looking away. Kaoka didn't know how to feel after that, was he still mad at her because of the argument they had or because she was the reason that him and Hannah had broke up.

Trent's POV
There she was looking as beautiful as ever I don't even know why I had cheated on her, she truly was so beautiful and her smile, ahh god her smile just added more beauty to her. Me and Hannah had broke up a few days after me and Kaoka had our argument, my head wasn't in the right place and I couldn't lead her on.

The day after my argument with Kaoka I realised where she was coming from. I hurt her really bad and messed up big time, when I saw her cry again the same way she did a year ago broke my heart completely. It's been Kaoka this whole time and it will always be her, I was so slow to realise that she was the one I wanted this whole time.

Kaoka's POV
The game had ended and Kaoka loved every single part of it, watching the fans love their team made her heart melt. The girls giggled their way down to the field to create a tunnel for the players that were leaving at the end of the season, the four girls had drank the whole time the boys were playing and found themselves tipsy by the end of the game and it was only the afternoon.

As the whole team and their families make their way down to the field, they all soon began to spread out across the field. The other three girls all went to look for their mans as Kaoka was holding axel perrie and Alex's son, she noticed a figure amongst the crowd, standing there so lonely looking around at the other families.

Kaoka couldn't help but feel her heart break even more for the boy, her heart will always choose him, if he had asked her to be his girlfriend all over again on this feild here, she wouldn't hesitate to say yes and jump into his embrace that she missed so much. She didn't know if it was because she was tipsy or if her mind was playing games with her but she just wanted to go up and kiss his daft plump lips him and forget about everything that happened.

(Just imagine this is her view on the field) (guys this photo literally broke my heart 😭😭like babes I could be there standing next to you, with out two kids running around)

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(Just imagine this is her view on the field) (guys this photo literally broke my heart 😭😭like babes I could be there standing next to you, with out two kids running around)

Axel got fussy as he wanted to run around as well "aw you want to run around aswell, baby" Kaoka said as she placed axel down and he began to run around aswell followed by Kaoka behind him. Axel was running around as Kaoka chased after him crouched down, she didn't realise that her head had hit someone's upper stomach a little close to you know what aswell. Kaoka lifted her head up swiftly as she kept apologising to whoever she had bumped into, Kaoka looked up and her eyes grew bigger and her cheeks turned red as she realised who she had bumped into.

"Uncle trent" axel said as he put his hands up wanting to be carried by Trent, which Trent gladly lifted the little boy up. Kaoka stood in shock as her face nearly collided into Trent's dick , I mean she wouldn't have minded it but not in public or live tv. Trent had walked past her with axel to go get a ball for him to play around with while his dad was talking with the reporters, before he walked away he whispered in her ears "I know you liked that K" he smirked down at her before walking away

Kaoka's cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red as she couldn't believe what that boy had just said to her. She then thought to herself why was he playing around with her like this, is he still mad at her after the argument? She pushed her thoughts aside before yelling out to him "shut up Arnold" he just smirked up at her and she smiled at him.

Towers // Trent Alexander Arnold Where stories live. Discover now