chapter 2

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Author's POV

Days turned into nights, and the routine of NCT's hectic schedule continued unabated. Taeyong, the enigmatic leader, maintained his dual existence, seamlessly transitioning between the responsibilities of guiding the group and the clandestine moments of his littlespace. The weight of his secret bore down on him like an invisible burden, hidden behind the charismatic facade he presented to the world.

Doyoung, ever perceptive, couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with Taeyong. The subtle shifts in his demeanor, the fleeting moments of distraction - they hadn't escaped Doyoung's watchful gaze. Concerned for his friend and leader, he decided to confront the issue head-on.

One evening, as the group gathered in the living area of the dorm, Doyoung approached Taeyong discreetly. "Hey, can we talk for a moment?" he asked, casting a subtle glance around to ensure privacy.

Taeyong, caught off guard, nodded and followed Doyoung to a quiet corner. "What's on your mind?" Taeyong asked, feigning nonchalance.

Doyoung's eyes bore into Taeyong's, searching for the truth beneath the composed exterior. "I've noticed you've been a bit off lately. Is there something you're not telling us?"

Taeyong's heart raced, his secret threatening to unravel. "I appreciate your concern, Doyoung, but I'm fine. Just dealing with the usual stress."

Doyoung wasn't convinced. "Taeyong, we're a team. If something's bothering you, we should share the burden. It's not healthy to keep everything to yourself."

Taeyong sighed, a mixture of frustration and gratitude welling within him. "I know, Doyoung, but some things are personal. I'll handle it."

Doyoung frowned, sensing the walls Taeyong was erecting around himself. "We're here for you, not just as colleagues but as friends. Don't forget that."

As Doyoung walked away, Taeyong's internal struggle intensified. The genuine concern from his friend touched a nerve, making him question the isolation he had imposed on himself. Yet, the fear of exposing his littlespace remained an insurmountable barrier.

That night, in the solitude of his room, Taeyong found solace in the familiar embrace of his littlespace. He clutched the teddy bear tightly, the softness of the blanket providing a cocoon of comfort. However, the serenity was tainted by the nagging worry that his secret was drawing unwanted attention.

Doyoung, determined to unravel the mystery, began discreetly observing Taeyong's behavior. He noticed the subtle clues - a fleeting glance at a stuffed animal, a distant smile that hinted at a world beyond the present. While Taeyong masterfully maintained his composure in front of the others, Doyoung sensed the underlying tension.

One afternoon, as the members prepared for a rehearsal, Doyoung approached Taeyong once again. "Can we talk for real this time?" he asked, sincerity etched in his gaze.

Taeyong hesitated but nodded, recognizing the persistence in Doyoung's eyes. They retreated to a corner of the rehearsal studio, away from prying ears. "What's going on, Taeyong? You can trust me."

The weight of secrecy pressed on Taeyong's shoulders as he contemplated the risk of revealing his littlespace. "Doyoung, it's not something I can easily share. It's personal, and I've kept it hidden for a reason."

Doyoung's expression softened. "I get that, but whatever it is, it seems to be affecting you. I'm not prying because I want to invade your privacy. I just want to help if I can."

Taeyong wrestled with conflicting emotions, torn between the desire for understanding and the fear of judgment. "There's a part of me, a side that I've kept hidden from everyone. It's vulnerable and innocent, like a child."

Doyoung's eyes widened in comprehension. "Are you saying... you have a littlespace?"

The admission hung in the air, a delicate revelation that could reshape their dynamic. Taeyong nodded, his guard momentarily lowered. "Yes, and I've kept it hidden because I didn't want anyone to see me as anything other than the strong leader I'm supposed to be."

Doyoung took a moment to process the revelation before offering a reassuring smile. "Taeyong, you don't have to face everything alone. We're a team, and your vulnerabilities don't make you any less of a leader. If anything, it makes you more human."

Tears welled in Taeyong's eyes, a mixture of relief and gratitude. For the first time, he felt the burden of his secret lighten, knowing that someone within NCT understood the complexity of his hidden world. The fear of judgment began to fade as Doyoung extended a hand of acceptance.

Over the following days, Taeyong cautiously allowed Doyoung glimpses into his littlespace. The teddy bear and blanket, once hidden away, became symbols of trust between them. Doyoung, far from judgmental, embraced this newfound understanding, offering a supportive presence that eased Taeyong's internal conflict.

As the members of NCT witnessed the strengthening bond between Taeyong and Doyoung, an unspoken understanding settled within the group. The dynamic shifted from a leader concealing his vulnerability to a team that embraced the multifaceted nature of its members.

Taeyong's littlespace, once shrouded in secrecy, became a shared realm where acceptance and understanding thrived. The shadows that had haunted him began to dissipate, revealing a leader who, despite his complexities, led with authenticity and trust.

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