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       MY HEART POUNDED against my chest for all those days, anticipation had coiled tightly inside me. It had been an eternity since I last laid eyes on her, since that spellbinding Friday when she graced our gates for the first time.

     I scanned the whole school, my eagerness transformed into disappointment. She was nowhere to be found. Not on this ordinary Saturday, where the sun lazily stretched its arms across the sky, obliviously to burn everything to brightness.

Refusing to surrender, hope had propelled me towards that Sunday, I was sure she wasn’t Muslim, church on Sunday after mass.

And there she was, a vision of delicate beauty, seated on the veranda. My breath caught, my pulse quickened, urging me to approach her.

Yet, just as I mustered the courage to approach, a group of nuns suddenly enveloped her, shielding her from my reach. My heart sank, for it seemed as though fate conspired against me, forever keeping her out of my reach.

I watched from a distance, a silent witness to their embrace, unable to pierce the barriers that stood between us. They were young nuns, probably her age. Maybe they knew each other or something, I thought.

She through her peacock dress under her thighs and rolled her eyes around waving with a closed smile to them after a few minutes before she stood up and left.

Monday, we went for the tests, I tried looking for her all around school but she was nowhere to be seen again. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday again the whole weekend. Just imagine being in the same school with a person but you can’t find them? Even after the tests, she never returned to class.

I was about to loose myself for someone I dint even know. And then, when my hopes were on the verge of disappearing out, the universe smiled upon me. It was early Monday morning, a time I hated most. Mondays never came with any good. But not that one.

Books against her chest supported by folded hands, her hair in a ponytail and a few of them curled and covering the forehead, The bushy eyebrows and her small round hazel eyes looked amazing to watch, and those straw berry lips that made me fade away.

Her beautiful chocolate skin was clothed in a blue t shirt and faded black skin jean plus white whole star sneakers. She stopped in her steps upon seeing me lonely in class and closed her eyes before letting out a sigh.

“What are you doing here?” she dropped books on her desk before cleaning the seat.
“Good morning too, how are you? I am revising” I said simply.

I rotated my body towards her. “Bibi, did I…” she cut me short.

“My name is Bibian please”

“Alright then Bibian, as I was sayi…”

“You did nothing, I just don’t want to talk” she emphasized.

“Okay, but...”

“But nothing, I’ll tell you when to talk”

We sat for a whole week together but never talked! Good morning. Nice break. Nice lunch and that’s it. Every time I tried to talk, “not yet time” she could say.

The silence always bothered me and I knew it hurt her too, she could peep at me and smile, I could enjoy that at least, her blushing whenever she watched me.

Friday, I was getting ready for the dressing room; we had a friendly match with a neighboring school before the start of the Inter-primaries tournament.

The door banged open interrupting my thoughts about the match, we were going into the match without some players I was worried how we would perform.

💕Oops sorry, just a reminder please. thax for reading. Don't forget to click that star and also leave a comment please.💕😷✌🏻🖋💕

A shiver ran through my body upon her sight, she held books against her chest as usual and a water bottle in hand. Her sportswear pulled out her splendid body as though she was a goddess, her long dark smooth ponytail always tied with something pink I really never afforded time to look at critically because every time I could see her, my eyes went straight to her hazels that kept me staring.

I had got used to seeing her lips forming into an O whenever she finds me in class alone. It was just amazing watching her shocked face.

“You scared the hell out of me” she murmured placing the books on the desk.

“I did?” I cleared my desk and stood up. “Sorry about that”

“It is alright”

“I’m I allowed to talk now?” I asked before she burst out a yes in laughter.

“What do you want to talk about exactly?” She inquired trying not to look at me.

“Well, the normal talk. How have you found the school?” I really didn’t know what to talk about exactly, I just badly needed to talk to her.

She looked at me with a curious eye “Not bad besides your stares.” She said.

“Aha, I didn’t see that coming, but you’ve been staring at me too”

“Me?” she said.

“Yes” I said.

“Not really, may… maybe a little, but you looked at me much more.”

I pocketed my right hand and through my sports bag on the shoulder. “I call that a win-win”

She bit on her lower lip and blushed before she asked me whether I was afoot baller.
“I’m the captain of my team, why?”

“Your sports bag is transparent” she sat down and pretended to organize her books “I can see your boots”

Not letting my gaze off her. “I want you to come watch us play” I sat down at the opposite desk.


“It’s going to be fun you know that!” I assured.

She held her chin in her palms and rested her elbows on the desk. “No one knows me there, and I know no one” she sighed.

“Well, I do” she bit her lower lip; it just makes her look more beautiful.

“What’s funny?” her face lit up with another smile.

“Nothing” silence proceeded us as we stared at each other for awhile, her smile faded as she curiously scanned my face. “So is that a yes?” I asked.

She cleared her throat, “fine but I won’t stay long”

“Alright then”, I stood up “see you there” I aimed the exit before she called.

I returned my eyes on her, her chocolate skin shone golden bright upon the sun rays striking it, and her innocent hazels were covered by a few strands of hair blown by the wind. I reached out quickly and slid them behind her ear.

I expected her to slap my hand off but surprisingly she never did. She just let out a sensation sigh upon my touch and her hazels not letting go of my face.

“Yes please!” I replied.

“No no, it’s nothing.” She mumbled hiding her face behind her palms.

“Alright then, see you there.” I smiled.


Council Nakku sat alone in her prison cell. Her once distinguished reputation as a lawyer now tarnished, she grappled with the weight of her arrest.

The decision to refuse defending her husband in court had not come lightly. She had grown tired of the lies and deceit that had consumed their marriage, unable to bear the burden of defending a man she no longer trusted.

As the time passed in confinement, her mind often wandered to her daughter, where would she be at the moment? What was she doing? Hope she kept it well.

💕Hello there, hope you doing great, hmm well see, kinda slow growth,  right? Anyway thax for reading. Don't forget to click that star and also leave a comment please.💕😷✌🏻🖋💕

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